Economic Divorce Incidents (prop + gen) Flashcards
Economic Incidents
- property division
- alimony/spousal support
- child support
marital property
all property and income acquired during marriage; belongs to both spouses and each has an equitable share
all property held by either party, whether joijntly or individually, acquired during marriage
community property
marital property belong to both spouses regardless of title
seperate property states/common law
titles property and accounts
- all prop and income acquired** before the marriage**
- property acquired during marriage by gift, inhertiance or passive return, bequest, devise
- titled property and accounts** acquired after marriage**
can seperate prop. become marital prop? if yes, then why?
yes through
1. property commingled or
2. contribution by non-owner spouse
marital prop. regimes
judge may determine that a spouse owns an interest in seperate property (but the exceptions)
property divison
- what assets are marital prop.?
- valuation of the property
- distribution of the property
what assests are marital prop.?
- traditional forms of property
- New prop.: employment income and deferred returns
- insurance proceeds
- joint liabilities
marital debt
includes all debt incurred by either or both spouses for joint benefits of parties during course of marriage
seperate debt
seperate debt remains seprate property unless doctrine of necessaries applies
doctrine of necessaries
necessaries are food, apparel, medicine, medical attendance, transportation, housing, furniture
educational/professional licenses/
- maj.: not marital property
- min.: marital property subject to division
alt remedies: alimony or prop. division
complex property division
- social security spousal benefits, insurance benefits
- business and practice goodwill
- pension benefits
- disabilities payments, personal injury awards, workers comp. awards
valuation of the property
no clear language in prop. settlement requiring valuation of retirement benefits using earlier salary years
distribution of the prop
equal or equitable distribution:
- only 3 state mandate strict equal division of marital prop
- some recognize a presumption in favor of equal division; most mandate equitable division
common equitable distribution factors
- duration of the marriage
- age, health and circumstances of parties
- standard of living during the marriage
- income, skills and employability v. debts, needs of parties
- contributions of each party to the marriage/prop
- any other factor a court finds just and proper
(based on several factors)
- lump-sum prop division award/periodic payments
- forced sale of martial prop
- schedule of payments
- deferred sale and distribution