economic and social change 1918-24 Flashcards
lenins aim after taking power
creating a ‘planned economy’, in which the gov controlled directed and organised all industries
was very hard for the inexperienced gov, which at that stage, only controlled parts of the country
one of the biggest compromises made by the bloshevik government
letting workers talk control of factories, some were loyal to lenin, some were not.
decree on workers control allowed this
lenin tried to slow it down with decrees in january and april 1918
was state capitalism working
no, economy continued to fall apart.
from middle 1918 - war communism adopted
what did bolshiks do to keep economy running after many factories shut down
they nationalised biggest industries - along with banks and railways
gave targets for what they should achieve
middle class managers and technicians allowed to say in jobs to ensure newly nationalised businesses run efficiently
factory owner response to lenin trying to take control of their factories
many factory owners just shut down the factory. by august 1918, 30% of all factories shut down. economy grinding to a halt.
measures introdcued as part of war communism and their consequences - grain
fixed price for grain to keep costs down.
consequences: peasants didnt want to sell at low price, so kept hold of grain, waiting for price to improve. cheka and groups of workers sent to requisiton grain from peasants.
peasants thought to hold grain shot
reasons for introduction of war communism - population
city population collapsed.
many went to live in countryside where it was easier to get food
reasons for introduction of war communism - civil war
russia drifting into civil war
if communists didnt take control of industry and food supply, theyd lose.
workers had to keep producing goods, and red army needed food.
reasons for introduction of war communism - the bolsheviks
strong desire in the government to end capitalism.
involed abolishing money, free market and social classes, though distinction between workers and peasants remained
reasons for introduction of war communism - treaty of brest litovsk
russia lost key grain producing areas in ukriane as reuslt of treaty of brest litvosk
other agricultural areas contorlled by whites
less and less food reaching cities
measures introdcued as part of war communism and their consequences - industries
from july 1918 - large industries nationalised
brought under gov control
given production targets decided in moscow
workshops employing over 10 ppl nationalised 1919
measures introdcued as part of war communism and their consequences - rationing
food rationing introduced
how much people received depended on job they did
people in jobs central to winning war best rations
conseuences: workers received food. middle class people didnt.
measures introdcued as part of war communism and their consequences - industries consequences
increased government control.
workers factory committees abolished.
‘bourgeois specialists’ (spetsy) employed as managers.
didnthave to be communists, as long as they followed gov orders
measures introdcued as part of war communism and their consequences - money
money abolished. was believed it not needed in communist society
consequences: government paid people in kind
money continued to be in use in areas communists didnt fully control, here inflation ran out of control and prices leapt up
measures introdcued as part of war communism and their consequences - housing
rich peoples homes redistributed.
large houses split to house several poor families.
living space became more equal, government had more control of it
communist party officials decided who got housing - often barracks or shared flat
measures introdcued as part of war communism and their consequences - public transport
made free
workers could get to work more easily
measures introdcued as part of war communism and their consequences - labour conscription
people forced to work as directed by gov. strict discipline for workers
workers rights reduced. strikes illegalised. strikers could be shot. trade unions taken over by bolshevik party
measures introdcued as part of war communism and their consequences - private markets and trading
black market emerged.
why had war communism got abandoned
economic disaster, deeply unpopular.
1921 - russia facing economic collapse
peasants destorying crops
widespread shortages of food and consumer goods
in mnay areas, famine
even cases of cannibalism
political crisis of war communism - what it led to
huge peasant uprising in tambov province
kronstadt mutiny
within communist party, group called workers opposition unhappy at way workers ordered around, and were given little involvement in decision making
factory workers organised protests. protestors arrested, food rations increased to stop further protests.
new economic policy (nep)
free market and money reintroduced.
traders hurried to make most of these oppurtunities, they’d be called NEP-men/women.
small businesses sprang up in russia, became acceptable for better off people to hire others again
effect of nep on peasants
greater freedom for peasants
seizure of grain replaced by taxation - at first in farm produce, after 1924, in cash.
once peasants paid taxes, they were free to sell any grain and keep the money to spend as they wished
reactions to NEP
peasants and traders welcomed it.
many communists disappointed. suicides went up among communist party members
leading communists e.g trotsky opposed what they thought was reemergence of capitalism
some workers also disappointed, seemed peasants gaining more from revolution than them
effects of NEP on economy
growth in agricultual output. peasants produced more, as they could now sell it.
industry began to grow, but at slow rate.
scissors crisis
society became more unequal. kulaks and traders became targets for communist party complaints
trade with foreign countries stayed lower than level in 1913. ussr slipping behind economic growth of non communist neighbouring countries
what was scissors crisis
prices for manufactured goods rising. in 1923, up 290% compared with 1913.
food prices falling. in 1923, just 89% of 1913 prices.
what was lenin able to do at 10th party congress
deal with mnay aspects of crises threatening power of communist party.
changes made in 10th party congress
move from war communism to nep agreed
factionalism banned
many of the partys members expelled
banning of factionalism
banning of factionalism meant communist party members not allowed to criticise centralised party control of power.
once communist party made a decision, all members expected to support it.
if they were against it, would be condemned as ‘factionalists’, and could face expulsion.
this included workers opposition, who wanted workers and trade unions to have more say on decisin making
expulsion from the party as result of 10th party congress
many expelled as they were regarded as not being committed enough.
or they were from wrong social class.
44% of communist party members from peasant backgrounds expelled
impact of communist policies on women
free compulsory education up to 17 - established 1919.
pre school education provided in many factories.
major literacy drive in red army.
peasants enocuraged to read and write - by 1926, 58% of population literate.
anatoly lunacharsky made first soviet peoples commissar of dducation - was responisble for education and culture.
problem with education for communists
as late as 1927, only 5% of teachers were party members.
not until 1930s that education was reorganised along communist lines.
until then, tetbooks dating to tsars time were present.
teachers not trusted. their authoirty limited by banning homework and corporal punishment
teachers pay rate lower than factory worker
impact of communist policies on culture
in early 1920s, agitrop set up.
job was to ensure education and mass communication supported the communist party.
communist policies on art
1920s- party encouraged ‘proletarian culture’
was art that supported revolution and put workers at central stage
in 1920 a movement called proletkult, which started in 1917 was brought under the partys control
communist policies on religion
1917 - church land seized. also lost its control on education
1922 - lenin increased persecution of orthodox church, many priests shot, church property and valuables confiscated by force.
1923 - leader of orthodox church - patriarch tikhon, forced to resign, weakening leadership of church.
1925 - league of the militant godless set up, to spread anti religious propaganda. anti religious musuems also set up, often in former churches.
communist policies on literature
censorship by glavit ensured books carried messages the party approved.
from mid 1920s, party brought writers under tighter control.
from 1925, thiscontrol carried out by russian association of proletarian writers
communist policies on film and music
film overseen by section of ministry of education
all film companies nationalised in 1919
russian association of proletarian musicians brought political control to music