Economic Flashcards
Curb inflation
Kiểm soát lạm phát
Example sentence: The government implemented measures to curb inflation.
Rampant inflation
Lạm phát không kiểm soát
Example sentence: The country faced rampant inflation due to poor economic policies.
Current economic climate
Tình hình tài chính hiện tại
Additional information: Refers to the overall state of the economy at a specific point in time.
Interest rates
Lãi suất
Additional information: The percentage charged by a lender for the use of their money.
Invest for the long-term
Đầu tư lâu dài
Additional information: Refers to investing with a focus on long-term gains rather than short-term profits.
Uninterrupted economic growth
Sự phát triển liên tục, không bị đứt đoạn
Additional information: Indicates consistent growth without interruptions.
Industry is thriving
Ngành công nghiệp đang phát triển tốt
Additional information: Indicates a successful and prosperous industry.
Safeguard one’s interest
Bảo vệ quyền lợi, lợi nhuận
Additional information: Refers to protecting one’s rights and profits.
Increase output
Tăng số lượng sản phẩm đầu ra
Example sentence: The company implemented new strategies to increase output.
Plummeting profits
Lợi nhuận sụt giảm
Example sentence: The business faced plummeting profits due to declining sales.
Knowledge-based economy
Nền kinh tế tri thức
Additional information: Refers to an economy that relies on knowledge and information as key resources.
Service-based economy
Nền kinh tế tập trung phát triển dịch vụ
Additional information: Refers to an economy where services play a significant role in economic development.
Fast-growing economy
Nền kinh tế có mức tăng trưởng nhanh
Additional information: Indicates an economy experiencing rapid growth.
Stagnant economy
Nền kinh tế trì trệ, chậm phát triển
Additional information: Refers to an economy with little to no growth or development.
The backbone/ The mainstay of economy
Rường cột của nền kinh tế
Additional information: Refers to the key foundation or support of an economy.
Expand/stimulate/boost/strengthen economy
Phát triển, mở rộng nền kinh tế
Additional information: Refers to actions taken to enhance the growth and strength of the economy.
Wreck / Weaken economy
Làm suy yếu nền kinh tế
Additional information: Indicates actions that lead to the destruction or weakening of the economy.
Economy goes into recession
Nền kinh tế đi vào khủng hoảng
Example sentence: The economy went into recession due to the global financial crisis.