Ecology theory Flashcards
Gerd Leonhard
‘Publishers need to offer their goods in a way which no longer centres on distribution as a key factor.’
Kevin Kelly
‘products are not just cheap, they are free’
Tapscott and Williams
‘When the consumer meets the producer.’
Henry Jenkins
‘If it doesn’t spread it’s dead.’
‘Textural poaching.’
Clay Shirky
‘A revolution doesn’t happen when a society adopts new tools, it happens when it adopts new behaviours.’
Charles Leadbeater
‘The audience is like a birdsnest where everyone leaves their piece.’
‘Technology changes all the time, human nature hardly ever.’
‘The internet is showing us what it thinks it wants us to see but not what we need to see.’
‘We are seeing the passing of the torch from human gatekeepers to algorithmic ones.’
Curran and Seaton
‘Companies are primarily motivated by the logic of profit and power.’
Jim Morrison
‘Whoever controls the media controls the mind.
Marshall MucLuhan
We shape our tools and then our tools shape us.’