Ecology- Paper 2 Flashcards
place where an organism lives.
all the organisms of one species living in a habitat.
the populations of different species living in a habitat.
Abiotic factors?
non-living factors of the environment, e.g. temperature.
Biotic factors?
living factors of the environment, e.g. food.
the interaction of a community of living organisms
Why do Organisms Compete for Resources to Survive?
.Organisms need things from their environment and from other organisms in order to survive and reproduce:
1) Plants need light and space, water and mineral ions (nutrients) from the soil.
2) Animals need space (territory), food, water and mates.
3)compete for the same resources.
In a community, each species depends on other species for food, shelter, pollination.
Food web?
The diagram on the right shows part of a food web.
stable communities?
.Stable communities include tropical rainforests size of the populations of all species remain relatively constant over time
What are abiotic factors 4 examples?
Abiotic factors are non-living factors. For example: Moisture level, oxygen level (for aquatic animals), Soil pH and mineral content
What are Biotic Factors and 4 examples?
Biotic factors are living factors.
New predators, Competition, New pathogens, Availability of food
What Adaptations Allow Organisms to Survive (structural 2, behavioural 1, functional 2)?
1) Structural: body structure:
.cold areas thick layer blubber,
.hot areas thin layer of fat, large SA:V
2) Behavioural:
.migrate warmer climates winter
3) Functional: inside an organism’s body: .Desert animals very little sweat, small amounts of concentrated urine.
.Brown bears hibernate: lower their metabolism conserves energy
Adaptions of microorganisms and what are they classed as, what does this mean? 3 examples
.microorganisms (extremophiles)= adapted live very extreme conditions. :
.high temperatures (volcanic vents) high .salt concentration (very salty lakes),
.high pressure (deep sea vents).
Food Chains Show what and what does it start with and how does it explain biomass? 4 points
1) start with a producer. food- sun energy photosynthesis
2) green plant produces glucose, used make biological molecules
3) biological molecules=plant’s biomass - the mass of living material- energy
4) Energy is transferred through living organisms eat other organisms.
1)What is a stable community?
2)How do Populations of Prey and Predators Go in Cycles? 3
1)containing prey predators population of any species limited amount of food available.
2) If the population of the prey increases, population of the predators inceases
3) population of predators increases, the number of prey will decrease.
4)Predator-prey cycles takes a while for one population to respond to changes
1)what is the distribution of an organism?
How to measure the distrubution of organisms? 2 steps
1)where an organism is found.
2)measure how common an organism is in two sample areas (quadrats) compare.
3)distribution change across an area or placing quadrats along a transect
What is a quadrat?
.quadrat is a square frame enclosing a known area, e.g. 1 m.
Method to Using Quadrats to Study The Distribution of Small Organisms? 6 steps
1)Place 1 m quadrat random point within the first sample area.
2)divide the area into a grid and use a random number generator pick coordinates.
3) Count all the organisms within the quadrat.
4) Repeat steps 1 and 3
5) Work out the mean number of organisms per quadrat within the first and second sample area.
6) Finally compare the two means.
How to find total mean of organisms population using quadrats?
How to find the Population Size of an Organism in One Area?
Using Transects to Study The Distribution of Organisms Along a Line? 1 and 2
.transects lines find out how organisms are distributed across area
1)Mark out a line in the area want study tape measure.
2) collect data along the line.-counting all the organisms you’re interested touch line.
Environmental Changes Affect The Distribution of Organisms:AVAILABILITY of WATER? (troipcs)
.tropics changes between the wet and the dry seasons more or less water available.
Environmental Changes Affect The Distribution of Organisms :TEMPERATURE?
.distribution species in changing because of a rise in average temperature.
Environmental Changes Affect The Distribution of Organisms: composition ATMOSPHERIC GASES?
what can environmental factors be caused by? 3
.more air pollution=move away from cities
.rise in average temperature due to global warming, caused by human activity.
.seasonal factors, geographic factors or human interaction.
what does the Water Cycle Mean? 4
1) Energy Sun water evaporate land sea=water vapour. evaporates plants (transpiration)
2) carried upwards (warm air rises). higher up it cools condenses form clouds.
3) Water falls clouds as precipitation
4) drains into the sea
How are Elements are Cycled Back to the Start of the Food Chain by detritus feeders? 4
1)nutrients of living organisms. passed up the food chain.
2)materials returned to environment waste products, or die =decay.
3) decay broken down by microorganisms.
4) plants need to grow back into soil.
What is the Co2 cycle? 4
1) Carbon atmosphere carbon dioxide respiration +combustion.
2) Carbon dioxide absorbed producers make carbohydrates and other nutrients photosynthesis.
3) Animals feed plants, passing carbon compounds along food chain. carbon consume exhaled carbon dioxide respiration.-die.
4) Dead organisms eaten by decomposers returned atmosphere carbon dioxide. conditions decomposition is blocked. plant animal material available fossil fuel combustion
What is compost and what is it used for?
.Compost is decomposed organic matter natural fertiliser for crops.
The Rate of Decay is Affected by Several Factors? 4 and explanation
TEMPERATURE- Warmer temperatures decompose quicker increase rate enzymes.
OXYGEN AVAILABILITY - microorganisms anaerobic= more active
WATER AVAILABILITY - Decay faster moist water to carry out biological processes.
NUMBER OF DECAY ORGANISMS - more microorganisms detritus feeders=faster
What is biogas made of, how is it made and why is it useful?
.Made by: Anaerobic Decay of Waste Material
made up: methane, can burned as a fuel.
Two types of biogas generators?
.batch generators and continuous generators.
Continuous generator? 3 traits
What is continuous generators for?
.biogas all the time.
.waste continuously fed in
.biogas is produced at a steady rate.
.large-scale biogas projects.
What do all biogas generators need? 3
1)an inlet for waste material to be put in,
2) an outlet for the digested material to be removed through,
3) an outlet so that the biogas can be piped to where it is needed.
How to investigate Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Decay? 6
- Put 5 cm3 of milk and add 7 cm3 of sodium carbonate to a test tube.
- 5 drops of phenolpthalein=pink. Place in the water bath/beaker. 20
- Add 5cm3 lipase solution to another test tube. water bath/beaker.
- Leave test tubes to stand correct temperature for reaction.
- add lipase solution to experiment test tube start stop clock.
- changes from pink to white stop the clock and record the time.
Why Earth’s Biodiversity is Important and what is happening to it and why? 3
1.ecosystems stable different species depend maintain environment.
2. Undiscovered medicines, important biodiversity is maintained.
3. waste production and deforestation global warming reducing biodiversity.
Problems with the world population? 4
1) increasing population pressure environment, resources.
2) higher standard=more raw materials=more energy manufacturing
3) raw materials used up quicker they’re being replaced.
4) modern medicine and farming methods increases
Pollution affects? 5
.water, land and air
.kills plants animals
.reducing biodiversity.
Water? 3 impacts of pollution
.Sewage toxic chemicals from industry can pollute
.affecting plants, animals rely on them for survival
.chemicals used on land can be washed into water.
Land? 3
1.toxic chemicals farming
2.bury nuclear waste underground
3.dump lot household waste landfill sites.
Air pollution? 2
.Smoke and acidic gases released into the atmosphere
.sulfur dioxide can cause acid rain.
Carbon Dioxide and Methane Trap Energy from the Sun? 4
1) temperature Earth balance between Sun energy it radiates into space.
2)Gases atmosphere act insulating layer. most energy would radiated out space, .= needed to keep life
3)”greenhouse gases”, carbon dioxide and methane
4) Earth heating up because increasing greenhouse gases=global warming.
How can Bacteria can be Engineered to Produce Human Insulin? 6
1)A plasmid is removed a bacterium. Cut it with a restriction enzyme
2)insulin gene cut out of a human chromosome using restriction enzyme.
3) plasmid human insulin gene are mixed together.
4) Ligase enzyme is added. joins sticky ends together recombinant DNA-inserted into a bacterium.
5) modified bacterium grown in a vat under controlled conditions harvested purified
There are several reasons bad about global warming? 4
1)Higher temperatures seawater to expand=ice to melt=causing the sea level to rise. low-lying places=Flooding.
2)distribution animal plant species change due temperatures increase amount of rainfall changes
3) changes migration patterns
4) Biodiversity reduced=extinct
Humans Use 4 of Land for Lots of Purposes and effects? 2
building, quarrying, farming, dumping waste
1)less land available for organisms.
Deforestation: Less carbon dioxide taken in?
1)carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere during photosynthesis is reduced.
2) Trees ‘lock up’ carbon that they absorb photosynthesis in their wood, Removing trees less is locked up.
Deforestation: More carbon dioxide in atmosphere? 2 WAYS
1)Carbon dioxide is released when trees are burnt to clear land.
2) Microorganisms feeding on bits of dead wood release carbon dioxide as a waste product of respiration.
Deforestation: BIODIVERSITY?
.huge number of different species of plants and animals=destroyed= danger of many species becoming extinct= biodiversity is reduced.
1)Bogs and peats?
Destroying Peat Bogs Adds More CO, to
the Atmosphere and effect?5
1).Bogs= acidic waterlogged. don’t fully decay not enough oxygen.
.partly-rotted plants=peat.
1) carbon plants stored peat instead in atmosphere.
2) drained area- farmland
peat- cut dried fuel. compost.
3)peat is drained= o2=microorganisms decompose it. respire, release co2
4) co2 peat is burned as a fuel.
5)reduces biodiversity.
How Conflicting Pressures Can Affect How Biodiversity is Maintained? 4
1) costs money-pay farmers a subsidy.
2) cost to local people’s livelihood.
3) conflict protecting biodiversity food security.
4) Development
How can Food Chains Can be Divided into Trophic Levels? 2
1) Trophic levels different stages of a food chain. organisms perform role food chain.
2)Trophic levels named location Chain using numbers.
Trophic Level 1 Contains?
Producers start food chain, e.g. plants and algae.
=producers make their own food by photosynthesis using energy from the Sun.
Trophic Level 2 Contains?
Primary Consumers Herbivores that eat the plants and algae are primary consumers.
Trophic Level 3 Contains?
Secondary Consumers Carnivores that eat the primary consumers are secondary consumers
Trophic Level 4 Contains?
Tertiary Consumers Carnivores eat other carnivores (the secondary consumers)
.no predators at the top of the food chain,
apex predators.
What do Decomposers do? 3
1) Decomposers=bacteria and fungi.
2) decompose dead plant material left
3) secreting enzymes break dead stuff down soluble food molecules.
What do Pyramids of Biomass Show? 2
.the Relative Mass of Each Trophic Level
.less energy and less biomass every time you move up a stage
Constructing a biomass pyramid? 3
.Each bar pyramid of biomass relative mass of living material at a trophic level
1)big bar along the bottom= trophic level 1 producer
2)primary consumer (eats producer), etc
How to draw Pyramids of Biomass? 3
1)given numbers, draw bars correct scale.
2) order of organisms pyramid must follow order food chain
3)bar labelled.
How is Biomass Lost Between Each Trophic Level? 2
1)glucose make biological molecules. plant’s biomass
2)not much biomass gets transferred from one trophic level to the next.
Biomass is lost between the levels for a few different reasons? 3
1) inedible parts(e.g. bone).
2)don’t absorb all they ingest (take in). -faces.
3)biomass converted other substances waste. glucose respiration carbon dioxide.
How Can Calculate the Efficiency of Biomass Transfer?
Factors Affect Food Security? 5
1) population increasing
2) diets-demand imported scarce food
3) Farming-pests and pathogens environmental conditions
4) high input costs farming expensive
5) conflicts affect the availability
Why is Overfishing bad 2 AND what can we do?
1) less fish for eat
2)ocean’s food chains affected some species fish disappear
1)maintain fish stocks level, fish continue to breed=sustainable food production.
How can Fish stocks can be maintained? (2)
FISHING QUOTAS - limits number size fish caught areas. prevents overfished.
NET SIZE - different limits mesh size fish net-what’s being fished. reduce discarded fish.
How can Food Production Can be Made More Efficient? 3 (battery/boiler farmed)
1.Limiting movement
2.Temperature-controlled environment reduces transfer energy controlling their own body temperature=available for growth
3..high-protein easy digestible food to further increase their growth.
What is mycoprotein?
Food from Fungi
Using biotechnology how can you make mycoproteins to culture large amounts? 4
1)controlled conditions=large vats
2) Mycoprotein=high-protein meat substitutes vegetarian.
3) fungus Fusarium, grown in aerobic conditions glucose syrup, food.
4) fungal biomass harvested and purified produce the mycoprotein.
What is Genetic engineering?
Genetic engineering is transferring a useful gene from one organism to another
Crops be Genetically Modified? 3
1)(GM) crops produced resistant to pests - improving crop yields.
2)grow better in drought conditions - improving crop yields.
3)provide nutritional value
Why do people not agree with GM foods? 3
1)can’t afford to buy food need to tackle poverty first.
2)Fear countries become dependent on companies who sell GM seeds.
3)poor soil main reason why crops fail, GM crops won’t survive.
What is the step to step progress of making bio gas? 4 steps
1)different microorganisms
2)Anaerobically. type of decay produce methane gas from waste
3) fermenter= generator.
4) constant temperature=microorganisms respiring
what is biogas used for and when? 1 and 4 uses
1)can’t be stored liquid (high pressure) used straight away
2)heating, cooking, lighting, turbine to generate electricity.
What is abd about battery farming? 4
.close together
.disease can spread between them easily.
.uncomfortable conditions is cruel
Breeding programs?
prevent endangered species extinct. released wild to boost population.
Regerating programs?
protect regenerate rare habitats mangroves, coral reefs-protect species, biodiversity.
Hedgerows field margins?
farms only a single type of crop is grown.
Field margins land around the edges of fields wild flowers and grasses are left to grow.-habitat variety of organisms.
Regulations programs?
.reduce level deforestation amount co2 being released atmosphere businesses.
reduce amount of waste that gets dumped in landfill sites. Reduce land needed