Ecology Flashcards
Group of plants, animals, or other organisms, all of the same species, that live together and reproduce.
Gotelli p. 2
Population size (Exponential population growth)
Gotelli p. 2
Exponential population growth
N(t+1) = N(t) + B - D + I - E
Del-N = B - D + I - E, ignoring immigration and emigration this becomes
Del-N = B - D, when assuming that population growth is continuous this would make Del-N infinitesimally small. This allows us to model population population growth rate (dN/dt)
dN/dt = B - D, and now B and D represent birth and death RATES, where B = bN and D = dN, where b and d are the constant per capita birth and death rates. Therefore this model is density dependent.
dN/dt = (b-d)N, where b-d can equal r, the instantaneous rate of increase. Therefore,
dN/dt=rN is the exponential population growth model.
Gotelli p. 3-5
Malthusian parameter
r is also known as Malthusian parameter, after Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus because of “Essay on the Principle of Population”
How to project population size from exponential growth model
N(t) = N(0) e^rt
Gotelli p.6
Calculating doubling time
Constant doubling time is an important feature of a population that is growing exponentially (i.e. no matter how large or small the population, it will always double in size after a fixed time period)
N(tdouble) = 2N(0), when substituting this back into the population size model we get
2N(0) = N(0) e^rt
Dividing by N(0) results in 2=e^rt, and then taking the natural log gives
t(double) = ln(2)/r which is the equation for doubling time
Population size by time for exponential growth model
Assumptions of the exponential growth model N(t) = N(0) e^rt
No I or E (closed population)
Constant b and d (no carrying capacity)
No genetic structure (all individuals have the same birth and death rate)
No age or size structure
Continuous growth with no time lags (individuals are constantly born and dying)
Variations to exponential growth model N(t) = N(0) e^rt, when population grows by finite amount each year
1) Non-overlapping generations with discrete difference equation (for example, animals with seasonality in reproduction that reproduce only once and then die, and the surviving offspring make up the population for the next year). Therefore, the population grows by the discrete growth factor, r(d), and 1 + r(d) is the finite rate of increase, lambda. Then, the recursion equation for population at time t is N(t) = lambda ^ t * N(0) (because growth is not per capita, it is a set increase per year).
Gotelli p. 11-12
Population size by time for N(t) = lambda ^ t * N(0)
Change discrete model of N(t) = lambda ^ t * N(0) to continuous
If time step becomes infinitesimally and we solve for the limit of lambda (1 + r(d)) we get e^r = lambda, OR r = ln(lamba)
Gotelli p. 13
Relationship between r and lambda
r> 0, lambda > 1 (population increases)
r= 0, lambda = 1 (population stays the same)
r< 0, 0
Variations to exponential growth model N(t) = N(0) e^rt, with environmental stochasticity
Suppose that the instantaneous rate of increase is no longer a constant, than we use an AVERAGE of R to calculate the AVERAGE expected population size at a given time.
N_(t) = N(0) e^r_t
sigma^2(N(t)) = N(0)^2 * e^2r_t * (e^sigma^2(r)*t - 1)
Gotelli p. 15
Exponential growth with environmental stochasticity
With environmental stochasticity, what is the limit of the variance in r to prevent extinction?
Extinction from environmental stochasticity will almost certainly happen if the variance in r is greater than twice the average or r
sigma^2(r) > 2*r_
Gotelli p. 16