ECJ: The Article 267 TFEU Reference Procedure Flashcards
What are the stages in an Article 267 TFEU reference procedure?
STEP1: Is the body making a reference a COURT (OR TRIBUNAL)?
STEP 2: Is the decision on a point of EU law necessary?
STEP 3: Discretion of national courts: Should the national court make a reference?
STEP 4: Discretion of ECJ: Could the ECJ refuse the reference?
STEP1: Is the body making a reference a COURT (OR TRIBUNAL)?
Dorsch Consult (supported by Nordsee v Reederei Mond): Relevant factors are whether the body in question:
. Is established by law
. Enforces/applies rules of law
. Is of compulsory jurisdiction (MUST disputes be heard there?) influential factor
. Has an inter pares procedure (i.e. hearings where all parties may be present and be heard)
. Is permanent
. Is independent
Do all the factors for the deciding whether the body is a court or tribunal have to be present?
No - it is sufficient that a significant number are present (Broekmeulen v Hiusarts)
STEP 2: Is a decision on the point of EU law necessary?
CILFIT v Ministro della Sanito criteria: A decision is NOT necessary if:
- The question of EU law is not relevant to the conclusion of the case; or
- ECJ has already ruled on the same point of law (e.g. ECJ has already ruled that directive in question is directly effective) [However, in limited circumstances it still may be possible to refer – Da Costa en Schaake]
- The application of EU law is so obvious that it should be obvious to that national court (Doctrine of Acte Clair)
If a decision is necessary under CILFIT, consider whether the court has discretion to make a reference:
Do Courts of Mandatory Jurisdiction have discretion?
No - Under Art 267 TFEU, final instance courts (including the highest court in the national system for a case of that type - Costa v ENEL) MUST make a reference
If Court of Mandatory Jurisdiction does make a reference?
It will be bound by the ECJ decision, which in addition, will apply in all MSs
If Court of Mandatory jurisdiction does not make a reference?
ECJ will not intervene, but individual may bring an action under state liability (Kobler)
Do Courts of Permissive Jurisdiction have discretion?
Depending on ECJ and national guidelines, a court of permissive jurisdiction MAY make a reference
A higher national court will not prevent a lower national court from referring (ECJ guideline)
National court cannot declare EU law invalid, thus where there is doubt as to interpretation, national courts should make a reference
Before making a reference, national courts should be resolved first
Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association
National guidelines on making reference?
R v International Stock Exchange, Ex p Else [1983] - Courts must make a reference unless they can answer the question in complete confidence
Trinity Mirror v Customs and Excise Commissioners [2001]
However, Courts may exercise restraint having regard to: Wishes of the parties, ECJ’s case load and the general importance of the decision
Can an individual appeal to the ECJ?
No - if the national court decides not to make a reference, an individual may not appeal to the ECJ himself
On what grounds can the ECJ refuse and Art 267 TFEU reference?
- There is an absence of genuine dispute (Foglia v Novello – dispute concocted to change French law)
- There is insufficient factual background on the questions (Telemarsicabruzzo v Circostel)
- The question involves compatibility with national law, as the ECJ will advise only on EU law (Costa v ENEL). (In such cases – see Van Gend – ECJ may reword question)