What occurs during the P Wave?
SA node fires, atria depolarize
What occurs during the PR interval?
Onset of atrial depolarization to onset of ventricular depolarization
What is a normal PR interval?
0.12-0.20 seconds (3-5 boxes)
What occurs during the QRS complex?
Firing of the AV node and ventricular depolarization
What occurs during the Q wave?
Impulse travels through intraventricular septum
What occurs during the R wave?
Impulse travels through the main mass of the ventricles
What occurs during the S wave?
Impulse travels to the base of the heart and atrial repolarization
What is a normal QRS interval?
Less than 0.12 seconds
What occurs during the ST segment?
Ventricles contract and pump blood
When do you start measuring the QT interval and where do you stop?
Start: onset of ventricular depolarization
End: end of ventricular repolarization
What is a normal QT interval?
Less than half of the R-R interval (0.36-0.44 seconds)
What is the inherent rate of the SA node?
What is the inherent rate of the AV node?
What is the inherent rate of the purkinjie fibers?
What does a PR interval of greater than 0.20 seconds indicate?
1st degree AV block