ECG Flashcards
Sinus Rhythm
Normal ECG strip
originate from SA node
Sinus Bradycardia
below 60
normal ECG strip
Sinus Tachycardia
upper limit 100-150
Fast heart rate cause SHORTER QT
caused anxitey, pain fever, HF, decreased oxygenation, drugs/stimulants
Supraventricular Tackycardia
Foci is initiated in atria or initiates the AV node.
suddenly starts and suddenly stops
A flutter
saw tooth strip with QRS complexes
Atrial rate of 300/min
CAD, MI, hypertension
A Fib
multiple pacemakers
artrial never fully depolarizes….it quivers, very irregular
No atrial kick
most common sustainable arrythimia
decreased CO
no desernable P waves
caused by inflammation of the heart, CAD, age,
Tx for A fib and A flutter
cardioversion, Catheter ablation, meds (anticoago and antiarrythics)
Premature Ventricular Complexes
Wide and bizzare QRS
ventricular contracts before the next sinus beat
hidden p wave
unifocal or multifocal
causes ischemia, MI, CHF, stress, elyte imbalances
Ventricular Tachycardia
V Tach
3 or more ventriulcar complesxes in a row greater than 100
CHF, MI, cocaine OD, elyte imbalance.
V Fib
D Fib the V fib
Lethal dysrythmias, must be treated quickly
AV block 1st degree
all are conducted but QRS delayed
prolonged PR interval
Document, continue to monitor, pt is stable
2nd degree block
Type 1
PR lengthens until QRS is dropped,
Atrial rate regular
Venti rate slow and irregular
can be caused by vagal stimulation, post MI
2nd degree
Type 2
atrial rate is the same, but random ventricular rate
wider QRS
caused by endocarditis, MI, age, beta blockers, digoxin
monitor for poor perfusion, may require pace maker, notify phycisian
3rd Degree
Complete block
no condition between atria and ventricles,
No PR interval
Block in AV or bundle of his.
SA rate and AV rate but not the same rate.
More Ps than QRS
caused by Dig toxicity, MI, acidosis, hypoxia, hyperkalemia
notify physician, assess CO, prepare for Pacemaker placement
lethal dysrythmia
absences of ventriular activity
P waves my be present
caused by air embolism , HF. MI, OD, severe hemmorrhage.