DEVRY ECET 370 Entire Course
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ECET 370 Week 1 Lab 1
ECET 370 Week 2 Lab 2
ECET 370 Week 3 Lab 3 Linked Lists
ECET 370 Week 4 Lab 4 Complexity of Computational Problems
ECET 370 Week 5 Lab 5 Search Algorithms and Techniques
ECET 370 Week 7 Lab 7 Binary Trees
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DEVRY ECET 370 Week 1 Lab 1
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General Instructions Exercises 1, 2, 4, and 5 use the programs in DocSharinglabeled “User-defined classes." Exercises 7 and 8 use the programs in DocSharinglabeled “Using interfaces." Exercise 1: Review of classes Create a project using the classes in the DocSharing area labeled “User-defined classes." Compile it, run it, and review the code that is given carefully. Exercise 2: User-defined methods The function area of the Triangle class is the framework of the actual method. Modify it so that it calculates the area of the triangle. Write a Main class to test your area method. Note: to calculate the area of a triangle from the vertices, first find the distances between each pair of vertices to obtain the length of the sides of the triangle. Then apply Heron’s formula to calculate the area given the length of the sides. Exercise 3: Shallow versus deep copy Provide an example of shallow copy of objects and an example of deep copy of objects. Exercise 4: Passing parameters to methods Write a function that swaps two Point objects. Use the code given below: import java.util.*; public class Main { public Main() { Scanner Scanner(; System.out. print("Enter x and y coordinates of first point: "); Point Point (in.nextDouble(), in.nextDouble()); System.out. print("Enter x and y coordinates of second point: "); Point Point (in.nextDouble(), in.nextDouble()); swap(p1, p2); System.out.println(" Compile it, run it, and review the code that is given carefully. Note: The class Point implements the Comparable interface. The Comparable interface contains a single method: compareTo, which is used to compare two objects p and q of the same class type. When calling p.compareTo(q), it returns an integer. If this value is negative it means that p is smaller; if it is equal to zero then , and if the value is positive, it indicates that p is greater than q. Exercise 8: Implementation of interfaces Using the class Point in the DocSharing area labeled “Using interfaces," write an application that declares an array of Points, fills the array with random points, and finds the smallest point in the array. Related Tutorials
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DEVRY ECET 370 Week 2 Lab 2
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General Instructions Exercises 1, 2, and 3 use the programs in DocSharinglabeled “User-defined array list." Exercise 4 uses the programs in DocSharinglabeled “Using java.util.ArrayList." Exercise 1: Review of array-based lists Create a project using the classes in the DocSharing area labeled “User-defined array list." Compile it, run it, and review the code that is given carefully. This code tests the ArrayList class provided in the lecture. Exercise 2: A user-defined array list Modify the class ArrayList given in the lecture by adding to it the functions listed below for Exercise 2. In each case, the appropriate error message should be generated if an invalid condition occurs. For example, an error message should be generated when trying to insert an item in a given location in the list and the location is out of range. a. ArrayList(int size): create a constructor that sets the size of the array list to the value passed in size (note that the class variable SIZE cannot be final anymore). b. int length(): create this function to determine the number of items in the list (accessor function). c. intgetSize(): create this function to determine the size of the list (accessor function). d. void clear(): create this function to remove all of the items from the list. After this operation, the length of the list is zero. e. void replace(int location, int item): create this function to replace the item in the list at the position specified by location. The item should be replaced with item. f. void insert(int location, int item): create this function to add an item to the list at the position specified by location. g. void remove(int item): create this function to delete an item from the list. All occurrences of item in the list should be removed. h. int get(int location): create a function that returns the element at location. i. public ArrayList copy(): create a function that makes a deep copy to another ArrayList object. Exercise 3: Using an array-based list Using the class ArrayList completed in the previous exercise, write a program that uses it to store 100 random numbers. Consider that each of these random numbers is an integer in the interval [0, 200]. Write the program in such a way that there are no number duplicates. Exercise 4: Review of the library class java.util.ArrayList Create a project using the classes in the DocSharing area labeled “Using java.util.ArrayList." Compile it, run it, and review the code that is given carefully. This code is the complete program given in our lecture that tests the library class java.util.ArrayList. Exercise 5: Using the library class java.util.ArrayList Rewrite Exercise 3 (above) using the class java.util.ArrayList to store the 100 random numbers.
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DEVRY ECET 370 Week 3 Lab 3 Linked Lists
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For more classes visit General Instructions Exercises 1, 2, and 3 use the programs in DocSharinglabeled “User-defined linked list." Exercise 4 uses the programs in DocSharinglabeled “Using java.util.LinkedList." Exercise 1: Review of Linked Lists Create a project using the classes in the DocSharing area labeled “User-defined linked list." Compile it, run it, and review the code that is given carefully. This code tests the LinkedList class provided in the lecture. Extend the class Main to test the functions isEmpty, search and remove of the class LinkedList. Exercise 2: A User-Defined Linked List Modify the class LinkedList given in the lecture by adding to it the functions listed below for Exercise 2. In each case, the appropriate error message should be generated if an invalid condition occurs. a. toString(): modify the display function to overload the toString function of the Object class. b. int length(): create this function to determine the number of items in the list (accessor function). c. void clear(): create this function to remove all of the items from the list. After this operation is completed, the length of the list is zero. d. void insertEnd(int item): create this function to insert item at the end of the list. e. void replace(int location, int item): create this function to replace the item in the list at the position specified by location. The item should be replaced with item. f. int get(int location): create a function that returns the element at the position location. Exercise 3: Using a Linked List This exercise is similar to Exercise 3 in Lab 2, but uses the LinkedList class implemented in Exercise 2 above. That is, using the class LinkedList, write a program that uses it to store 100 random numbers. Again, consider that each of these random numbers is an integer in the interval [0, 200]. Write the program in such a way that there are no number duplicates. Exercise 4: Review of the Library Class java.util.LinkedList Create a project using the class in the DocSharing area labeled “Using java.util.LinkedList." Compile it, run it, and review the code that is given carefully. This code is the complete program given in our lecture that tests the library class java.util.LinkedList. Exercise 5: Using the Library Class java.util.LinkedList Rewrite Exercise 3 (above) using the class java.util.LinkedList to store the 100 random numbers.
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DEVRY ECET 370 Week 4 Lab 4 Complexity of Computational Problems
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General Instructions
Exercise 1 uses the programs in DocSharinglabeled “Minimum,” “Factorial,” and “Sorting algorithms.”
Exercise 1: Review of the Lecture Contents Create projects using the classes in the DocSharing areas labeled “Minimum,” “Factorial,” and “Sorting algorithms.” Compile them, run them, and review the code that is given carefully. These programs test the code discussed in the lecture.
Exercise 2: Efficiency of Algorithms Problem 2 in the Section “Projects” at the end of Chapter 9 in the textbook: find a value of n for which Loop B is faster.
Exercise 3: Recursion Problem 1 in the Section “Projects” at the end of Chapter 10 in the textbook: recursive algorithm to find the square root of a given number.
Exercise 4: Sorting In this week’s lecture, the algorithms quicksort and bubblesort are described and implemented. In DocSharing, under the section labeled “Sorting algorithms,” you can find the class ArrayList where these sorting algorithms are implemented. Write a Java program that times both of them for various values of n. Create a table to record the times. Regarding the efficiency of both sorting methods, what conclusion can be reached from this experiment? Note: You can probably save development time by using the program from Week 2 to generate a list of the 1000 smallest prime numbers (in random order). This list could then be used as the input to the sorting algorithms.
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DEVRY ECET 370 Week 5 Lab 5 Search Algorithms and Techniques
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General Instructions
Exercise 1 uses the programs in DocSharinglabeled “Search algorithms.”
Exercise 1: Review of the Lecture Content Create a project using the ArrayList class and the Main class provided in DocSharing. The ArrayList class contains implementations of the first three search methods explained in this week’s lecture: sequential, sorted, and binary search. The Main class uses these three methods. These programs test the code discussed in the lecture. Compile the project, run it, and review the code that is given carefully.
Exercise 2: Search Algorithms and Techniques Expand the project developed in the previous exercise to perform the following experiment: time the three search methods several times each and record the results. Compare the running times of the three search methods (sequential search, sorted search, and binary search) which are obtained during the experiment. What conclusions can be drawn?
Exercise 3: Searching Applications Select one of the following two problems to solve: Problem 1: Design and implement an algorithm that determines whether or not a given array of elements, list1, is completely contained within another given array of elements, list2. Consider two different scenarios: 1) both arrays are sorted; 2) both arrays are unsorted. Problem 2: Design an algorithm that when given a collection of integers in an unsorted array, determines the second smallest number (or second minimum). For example, if the array consists of the values 12, 23, 9, 17, 3, the algorithm should report the value 9, since it is the second smallest number in the array. Write a function that receives an array as a parameter and returns the second smallest number. To test your function, write a program that populates an array with random numbers and then call your function. Exercise 4: Hashing Suppose that the type of key in a hashing application you are implementing is String (Sections 19.6 and 19.7 in our textbook explain hash functions for strings). Design, implement, and test a hash function that converts a key to a hash value. Assume that the size of the hash table is a prime number.
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DEVRY ECET 370 Week 7 Lab 7 Binary Trees
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ECET 370 Week 7 Lab 7 Binary Trees
Full set of lab with working programs.
Exercise 1: Lecture review: Binary Search Tree Create a project using the classes BinarySearchTree, Node, and Main in the DocSharing area labeled “The BST.” Compile the project, run it, and review the code that is given carefully. These programs test the code discussed in our lecture.
Exercise 2: An improved BST class Modify the class BinarySearchTree so that it contains the toString method, instead of the display method that was given originally.
Exercise 3: Using a BST in an application Use a binary search tree to implement a dictionary that contains the keywords in the Java language. Test it. Note that you can use the programs from the previous exercises. For a list of the keywords in Java, visit
Exercise 4: Recursion and Binary Trees Write a recursive algorithm that counts the nodes in a binary search tree.
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