EC 7 Flashcards
Cambell’s Law
The more any quantitative social indicator is used for social decision-making, the more subject it will be to corruption pressures and the more apt it will be to distort and corrupt
the social processes it is intended to monitor.
Stated differently: if you start to measure relatively inaccessible strategic constructs then
people will overly focus on the measure and forget the strategy.
Law of measure mangement
Measure management arises when performance measures capture strategic constructs with
error, the people being evaluated are aware of this fact, and people have discretion to distort
either operations or reporting
Measurment error
The performance measure is an imperfect proxy for the underlying strategic construct
People are aware of the performance measures by which they are being evaluated and care about the evaluation
People have the ability to distort:
- The operations that generate the raw data used to
compute the performance measure (operational
measure management)
- How raw data are transformed into the performance
measure (opportunistic reporting)
is the tendency of managers to lose sight of the strategic construct a performance measure is
intended to represent and
subsequently act as the measure is the construct of interest.
Conditions to engage in surrogation:
1; the target attibute must be relativiely inaccessible
2; the heuristic attribute must be highly accessible
3; the substitution of the target attribute with the heuristic attribute must not be consciously rejected
Incentivizing on the PM
Increases the accessibility of the compensated performance measure as a good substitute for the strategic construct of
interest (condition 3 of the framework becomes stronger)
Incentivizing on one versus multiple PM
Highlights the limitations of any one performance measure as
a representation of a strategic construct of interest
(condition 3 of the framework becomes weaker)
Information effect
When employees are involved in the strategy selection, they acquire information that helps them to better understand the strategy
Motivation effect
Involvement in the strategy selection gives
employees a sense of ownership and increases the identification with the
organizational objectives
Do we see more surrogation when employees are incentivized on a (or more) proxy
measures compared to when they receive a fixed compensation?
Do we see less surrogation when employees are involved in the selection of the
strategy (and incentivized) compared to when they are not involved (and incentivized)?
Do we see less surrogation when employees are asked to deliberate about the selected strategy (and
incentivized) compared to when they are involved in the selection of the strategy(and incentivized)?
Narrative reporting
A narrative report is a supplement to objective
performance information in which employees explain
and justify the decisions they have taken in the past