EBM Slides Flashcards
What are case series best for
- Hyp generating
- highlights new disease threats- AIDS, ZIKA
- Unknown drug effects
What are the testing threshold criteria
- is the patient going to die
- is the treatment effective
- is early treatment better
Explain the concept of validity
Internal validity
- was the study done correctly so that there are no flaws
External validity
- is this study generalizable to the overall population
RCT vs Observational
- Observational studies look at the relationship btwn and exposure and an outcome but don’t really paint the whole picture. A strong association doesn’t really mean causation.
- RCT trials can more strongly show a link btwn an exposure and a outcome
How do things go wrong in diagnostic testing
- Assuming lab tests are 100% accurate
- looking for rare disease
- not actually examining patients
- locking on a diagnoses without pursuing other options
- Patients with multiple disease
List the two types of statistical errors
Type 1(a) error- You Are A liAr- basically is when you see an association that just isn’t there.
Type 2(b) error- You are BLIND to the truth- you say you don’t see an association but it’s there sis.
List the problems that RCTs have
- Very expensive
- Low power
- Randomizing and concealment issues
- Concealment only happens once in the beginning of the study by allocating patients based on preference. - Inadequate blinding/placebo
- Adherence/Crossover
- Crossover is when a patient is taking multiple diff treaments - Intention to treat vs Per protocol
- Early stopping.
Name some advantages of a prospective Cohort study
- Hyp gen or test
- More complete info compared to retro
- Very expensive and time consuming
- Confounding and loss to follow up
- Best for diagnostic or prognosis questions (ex radiation)
What’s the perfect study for intervention and exposure
- All patients are similar before randomization
- 100% follow up
List the benefits of a systematic meta analysis -
- Hyp testing mostly
- cheaper, all you have to do is give a summary of all the studies
- Dependent on quality of the primary date which often times is trash
- Best for questions that lacking the best over study.
List the pros and Cons of a RCT
- Hyp test and some sub groups can be used to generate and Hyp
- Has the least confounders of any study design
- Subject to stricter ethical guidelines
- Expensive/time consuming/ non adherence/ crossover
- Best for determining actuall relationship btwn exposure and outcome. Screening/prevention or diagnostic and therapeutic
How do we report the outcomes of diagnostic and prognostic studies
- The results of Cohort studies are reported as
- CI
What are some common pitfalls for PICO
- Selection bias, patients may be more sick or less sick than the average
- The intervention may be too costly or just not realistic for your patient
- The particular study may have low internal validity
- The outcome may not be true
What are the treatment guidelines for a healthy patient
- disease is very deadly
- tests are very accurate
- early detection saves lives
- the benefits of screening outweigh the harms
Which test would be best at showing treatment improved mortality btwn a screened an unscreened group?