EBD - Different Types of Studies Flashcards
What are the levels of studies?
Carry Sams Xylophone CCCRS
Editorials/opinions Case series/reports cross sectional studies case control cohort study RCTs Systematic review/meta analysis
What is a case series/report?
This is when we report on med history of one or more patients with an outcome of interest
What can case series/reports be used for?
to generate a hypothesis which can then be used to create a more robust study
What are some disadvantages of case series/reports?
We can’t prove any valid statistical associations - just case present of a patient - we dont know about any other factors and no control is used for comparison
What is a cross-sectional study?
This is where we observe a defined population (such as school children aged 8 in Scotland) at a set point in time and analyse the data we obtain (ie caries rates in FPMs)
What are some disadvantages of cross-sectional study?
Can be hard to find appropriate control group
recall bias - may not remember something from years ago
time relationship - did disease start before exposure
What is cross sectional study used for?
Used to estimate disease prevalence and investigate potential risk factors
Disadvantages of cross sectional studies?
Recall bias
causality problem - can’t say one thing causes another
what is a case control study?
This is where we study those WITH DISEASE OF INTEREST and chose a suitable control WITHOUT disease and look back in time at exposure to see if theres different factors and try identify potential causes
Disadvantages of case control study?
Can be hard to find appropriate control group
recall bias - may not remember something from years ago
time relationship - did disease start before exposure
Whats a cohort study?
This is where we recruit participants and follow them up over periods of time and measure their exposure and if they end up with the disease
What are cohort studies used for?
Estimating prevalence of disease
investigating disease cause
Problems with cohort study?
Expensive and time consuming
if investigating rare disease we need v large sample
controls difficult to identify
What is an RCT?
This is a randomised control trial - gold standard clinical trial that provides the strongest evidence
we have a control and treatment group and participants are randomly allocated to one group - double blinded as participant nor researcher doesn’t know who receives what
What are the design elements of RCT?
Participants - inclusion/exclusion criteria - are we including young kids or elderly
Outcome - determine what we are measuring
Control - placebo or gold standard current tx (ethics)