EBCP Flashcards
Method used to synthesize evidence across multiple sources without selection bias
Systemic review
Summary of evidence found in daily news, intended to draw attention to research but not evaluate validity
Journalistic review
Evidence summarized by expert with perspective
Expert review
Statistical technique used to combine data from homogenous studies into 1 large study
T/F: Meta-analysis MUST be part of a cohort studies.
False. MUST be part of systematic reviews
Put the steps of performing systemic reviews in order:
- conduct a literature search
- define a question
- appraise studies
- apply study inclusion criteria to choose studies to include in review
2, 1, 4, 3
Pair the correct letter to the correct number
A. Using multiple people to conduct literature search
B. Application of study inclusion criteria performed by >1 person
C. Grey literature
- reduces publication bias
- reduces selection bias
A - 2
B - 2
C - 1
Type(s) of studies to answer an intervention question
RCT is best
Cohort can be used
Type(s) of studies to answer an prognosis/etiology question
Prospective cohort is best Can include: Retrospective cohort Case control Cross section
Which of the following does NOT impact the credibility of the review methodology? A. Number of reviewers B. Standardization of data collection C. Type of study design D. Blinding of articles
C. Impacts QUALITY of the evidence base
Which of the following does NOT impact the quality of the evidence base? A. Type of study design B. Risk of bias C. Precision of results D. Consistency of result E. Internal validity
E. External validity (generalizable to your patient?)
T/F: Poor quality of body of evidence on a topic means that the systematic review is not valid.
False. Systematic review may still be valid w/ poor body of evidence
T/F: Quantitative synthesis is valid when studies are methodologically similar, studies are not statistically homogeneous, and there’s no evidence of publication bias
False. Studies are not statistically heterogenous
T/F: If the diamond on a forest plot does not cross OR = 1, result is statistically insignificant
False. Is statistically significant
T/F: I(squared) = 0% means no heterogeneity
True. Greater numbers means heterogeneity
T/F: Large Q value indicate heterogeneity.
False. Small Q value (close to 0) indicate heterogeneity (0 less than Q less than 1)
T/F: Smaller studies are expected to be more precise. Therefore, the “funnel” starts wide and becomes more narrow as studies (and precision) increase.
False. Smaller studies are expected to be less precise.
Method used to detect publication bias
Funnel plots