Eating Disorders Flashcards
What are the 7 eating disorders?
- Anorexia
- Bulimia
- Pica
- Rumination
- Binge-eating disorder
What are the characteristics of anorexia?
- Restriction of energy intake leading to significant weight loss
- Intense fear of gaining weight/getting fat
- Lack of recognition of the seriousness of the current low body weight
- not always visible (someone could have a normal BMI but have lost a lot of weight…considered anorexia)
What are the 2 types of anorexia?
- restricting (no binge eating or purging)
2. binge eating/purging
What is the severity of anorexia based on BMI?
17+ = mild 16-16.99 = moderate 15-15.99 = severe 15- = extreme
What is another indication of the severity of anorexia other than BMI?
Compulsive exercise
What is the prognosis of anorexia?
- 2/3 of patients normalize weight
- patients with illness onset before 17y achieve a better outcome than adult onset
- relapsing happens
- time of remission is 5-6 years for adults
What are some common dietary patterns in anorexia?
gradual decrease of food intake removal of high energy foods gradual decrease in portion sizes rigid schedule of eating limited food choices fat avoidance
What are the two questions most people will ask?
- will my body revenge and want to gain weight and I will become fat?
- What is the normal serving?
What is bulimia and its characteristics?
Recurrent episodes of binge eating characterized by BOTH the following:
- eating large amounts of food in a discrete amount of time
- sense of lack of control over eating during an episode
There is also recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviour in order to prevent weight gain (fasting, strict deprivation, compulsive exercise, use of laxatives, meds)
What is the severity of bulimia based on the average number of compensatory behaviour episodes per week?
mild = 1-3 moderate = 4-7 severe = 8-13 extreme = 14+
What is one of the main differences between anorexia and bulimia (indicator)?
Anorexia usually has really low weight, whereas bulimia has normal weight
What is binge eating?
Recurrent episodes of binge eating characterized by 3 or more of the following:
- eating much more rapidly
- until feeling uncomfortably full
- not feeling physically hungry
- eating alone
- feeling disgusted with one-self, very guilty afterwards
What is the main difference between binge eating and anorexia/bulimia?
BED is not associated with the recurrent use of inappropriate compensatory behaviour
What is the severity of BED based on average number of binge-eating episodes per week?
mild = 1-3 moderate = 4-7 severe = 8-13 extreme = 14+
What is OSFED?
Other specified feeding or eating disorder
- atypical anorexia (weight within or above the average range)
- bulimia nervosa of low frequency and/or limited duration
- binge-eating disorder of low frequency and/or limited duration
- purging disorder
- night eating syndrome