Eating Disorders Flashcards
What are the diagnostic criteria of Anorexia Nervosa?
weight loss
restricted intake of food
intense fear of gaining weight
disturbed perception of body image / weight
What are some of the behavioral signs of Anorexia Nervosa?
Severe diets or fasting Odd food rituals Rigid Exercise regimes Hiding weight loss Binging/purging/laxatives/enemas
What are some of the emotional/cognitive signs of Anorexia Nervosa?
Mood Shifts
Intense fear of gaining weight
Self-worth is based on what they eat
Insecurity and perfectionist attitude
What are some of the physiological signs of Anorexia Nervosa?
Weight loss loss of menstrual cycle pale and dizzy fatigued Lanugo (thin hair) brittle nails Impaire concentration
What are some medical complications seen in AN?
Low BP Reproductive problems GI and GU problems Osteoporosis Edema Cardiac irregularities
What are the diagnostic criteria for Bulimia Nervosa?
Recurrent episodes of binge eating with no control over eating during those episodes.
Recurrent compensatory behavior (excessive exercise) following binge episode to prevent weight gain.
Often patients are normal weight.
What are some of the associated behavioral signs in BN?
Binge eating and secretive eating Excessive visits to bathroom after meals preoccupation about food and weight vomiting / laxatives / fasting Rigid and compulsive exercising
Between anorexia nervosa patients and bulimia nervosa patients, which group often is seeking help for their condition?
Bulimia nervosa patients are often ashamed of their actions and can be desperately seeking help.
What are the physical signs of bulimia nervosa?
Weight fluctuations Swollen glands / puffy cheeks broken blood vessels in eye scarring / callous on back of hand menstrual irregularities Complaints of sore throat / hoarse voice
What are some medical complications seen in bulimia nervosa?
Electrolyte imbalance
Cardiac irregularities
Dental problems
Damage to upper GI tract
What are the diagnostic criteria of Binge Eating Disorder (BED)?
Recurrent episodes of binge eating with no control over eating during the episode. (No purging / weight loss associated)
\+3 of the following: Eating more rapidly than normal Eating until uncomfortably full Eating alone due to shame Eating when not hungry Feeling guilty afterwards
What are the emotional/cognitive characteristics in Binge Eating Disorder?
Co-morbid mood/anxiety disorder/personality disorder
May desperately want help (with weight) not the eating
What are the associated physical signs associated with Binge Eating Disorder?
Significant weight gain
High BP
High cholesterol
Increased risk of diabetes
What is avoidant restrictive food intake disorder?
Weight loss and picky eating w/o body image distortion.
Correlates with pervasive developmental disorder.
Describe purging disorder.
Purging after eating small amounts of food - normal body weight
Describe rumination.
Chew food - swallow food - bring it back up - chew it again
Describe Night Eating Syndrome
Most of the food you intake occurs at night.
Must eat at night to go to sleep sometimes
What are some co-morbid diseases seen with eating disorders?
Mood disorder Anxiety disorder Personality disorder Substance abuse ADHD Sexual abuse/PTSD
What is the peak age of onset for anorexia?
What is the peak age of onset for bulimia?
Late adolescence to young adulthood.
What are the treatment goals for anorexia nervosa?
Return to 90-100% of IBW (100% for premenarcheal females)
Regular pattern of eating
Decreased dietary restrictions
What are some goals for patients with BN or BED?
cessation of binge eating/purging
regular pattern of eating
Exposure and response prevention
Mindful eating practices
Has family based therapy been shown to be effective in patients with AN?
Yes. Especially for adolescents with anorexia nervosa.
What medications have been approved for anorexia and binge eating disorder?