Easter Through Art Flashcards
What is Lent?
The 6 week period leading up to Easter when Christians remembers Jesus’s time in the Wilderness. It also about reflection and repentance. It also about the correction of bad habits.
What is the Wilderness?
Hilly desert-like land outside the main urban areas of Israel.
What was Jesus’s Ministry?
His life preaching and teaching others about God.
What did the devil try and tempt Jesus to do?
- Order some stones to turn into bread.
- Jump off a large mountain to prove that he was truly the son of God.
- Tempt him into worshiping the devil.
What did Jesus tell the devil?
“Go away, Satan! The scripture says, ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve only him!’”
What is Palm Sunday?
The day Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey - this would begin the final of his life.
What does the cry Hosanna mean?
It means Saviour.
What significant event happened on Maunday Thursday?
The Last Supper.
What did Jesus do to show love to his disciples and who protested against this saying it was a servants job?
He washed their feet. Peter.
What commandment did Jesus give his followers after washing there feet?
Love one another as I have loved you.
What did the bread Jesus broke at the Last Supper symbolise?
His broken body.
What did the wine Jesus drunk at the Last Supper symbolise?
His spilt blood.
When Jesus shared the bread and wine what did he tell his disciples to do?
Do this in memory of him.
What is Good Friday?
The day Jesus died.
What is Crucifixion?
A common Roman execution method - being nailed to a wooden cross and left to die.
What is the Garden of Gethsemane?
The place that Jesus went to pray before he was arrested.
What is Blasphemy?
The crime Jesus was convicted with : speaking against God.
What sign was above Jesus cross?
What did Jesus wear when he was crucified?
A crown of thorns.
What happened when A roman soldier speared Jesus to check if he was dead?
Blood and water flowed.
Where was Jesus crucified?
What was Easter Sunday?
The day Jesus resurrected.
What is resurrection?
Coming back to life after death.
Who first saw Jesus after he was resurrected?
Mary Magdalene.
What did she mistake him for?
A gardener.