Earth Science And Geology Flashcards
How many major plates of lithosphere are there?
There are 6 major plates and more than a dozen smaller. The slide on top of the asthenosphere which is believed to be very viscous.
What are the Main layers of earth?
Lithosphere(includes outer crust) Athenosphere (relatively plastic) Upper mantle Mantle Outer core (molten) Inner core (solid)
What types of crust are there?
Oceanic thinner(6.5 miles thick) and denser than the other type Continental(25 miles thick).
How is the continental crust formed?
When magma cools on the surface
What is a subduction zone?
An area where tectonic plate meet and one is pushed under another. It is the place where most volcanic activity occurs
What are the three main types of rocks?
Igneous (crystallized magma, makes up largest portion of earth’s structure)
Sedimentary (compacted sediments)
Metamorphic (heat and pressure warp sedimentary stone, marble,slate)
What is a common isotope used to find the age of objects up to 40,000 years old?
What led scientists to be able to date rocks and fossils more accurately?
The discovery if radioactivity in the 1890’s
What type if clouds form thunderstorms?
Cumulonimbus. The dark gray towering clouds. Puffy, fair weather cumulus clouds can transform into these. Anything with “nimbo” means rain.
Cirrostratus are the thin, high-level clouds and nimbostratus looks like a gray sheet and can bring rain.
Why is it cooler in the mountains?
The air is thinner due to decreased atmospheric conditions, so there are less molecules to absorb heat.
What is the era 248-65 million years ago that is made of the triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods?
The Mesozoic. Means “middle animals”
What is a giant ball of rock and ice that orbits the sun?
A comet. They are sometimes called dirty snowballs.
What is limestone?
A sedimentary rock formed from the shells, bones, and waste deposits of sea life. A marker that it was underwater at one time.
Physical change where a solid turns to gas. For example Iodine
What is an example of the rain shadow effect?
A town on the leeward side (protected from the wind) receives little annual rainfall.
What is the Mohs scale?
Scale of mineral hardness. Talc 1, Iron ranks about 5, Quartz 7, Sapphire 9
What are the 4 steps in the water cycle?
Condensation (clouds form together)
What is an Anemometer?
Instrument that measures wind speed.
What is the part of the earth where most earthquakes take place?
The crust.
What are alluvial plains?
Landforms at the base if hills made by deposits of sediment from erosion and weathering. Often see them in desert environments like the Death Valley. Formed on land and typically dry.