Earth Science Flashcards
What is an observation?
an observation is the recognition of a fact or occurrence. In general It is something you can say about a situation that is a direct result of your senses.
What is a prediction?
A prediction is the recognition of a possible future event, based on current knowledge, and or past experiences.
What is an inference?
An inference is to make an intelligent guess, or to imply something about a situation, sometimes based off observations, and or evidence.
What is a quantitive observation?
A quantitive observation is an observation expressed in a numeric amount.
What is a qualitative observation?
A qualitative observation is an observation that adds description.
Why is the skill of measurement important to science?
It is important to science because it helps explain experiments, relate information, and compare objects.
What are six tools you might use to measure in earth science?
Rulers, triple beam, balance, electronic, balance, beakers, and graduated cylinders
How is scientific notation, written?
Traditionally, the original number is transformed into scientific notation with one significant digits in front of the decimal. The power of the ten is determined by how many times the decimal was moved.
For example:
67,500,000 = 6.75 × 107 or 0.00000675 = 6.75 × 10-
What is matter?
How can compounds be created from elements?
They can combine, or given take electrons from each other to become one.
What is a heterogeneous mixture?
A heterogeneous mixture is when 2 compounds do not mix even, and retain their own individual properties.
What is a Homogeneous mixture?
A homogeneous mixture is when two substances fully mixed, and create a new substance with their own set of properties.
Describe the gas stage of matter.
The gas state of matter is when the particles are highly energetic. This means they have the ability to overcome gravitational attraction and move to fill the space in which they are held.
Describe the liquid state of matter.
The liquid state of matter is when the particles are attracted by not held firmly together. Therefore a liquid can take the shape of the lower part of a container, because gravity still pulls on individual particles although the volume stays fixed, they can flow and change shape based on the container.
Describe the solid state of matter.
The solid state of matter is when the particles are held in fixed positions. They are usually tightly packed together, and cannot move about. Particles in a solid have a definite shape and volume.
Describe the plasma state of matter.
The plasma state of matter is when the particles are super heated like in the sun, or a lightning bolt. Plasma acts like a fluid in movement, but has enough gravitational attraction to keep a defined shape however, electrons can escape.
What is the definition of density?
The definition of density is the physical properties that help to differentiate matter. It refers to the proximity of the atoms of similar and different elements within a substance.
How is density measured?
Density is measured by the mass of an object divided by its volume.
Explain what happens to matter density and volume on an object is cut.
The matter, the volume become less, but the density stays the same.
How can density of matter be changed?
It can be changed when the state of matter is changed.
What is the definition of graphing?
Graphing is a visible way to represent information.
What does a graph do?
A graph takes experimental data that is collected and put it into a display information.
What is a line graph?
A line graph is a graph with an Y and x axis and we’re data is plotted by points that are connected by a line.
What is a bar graph?
A bar graph is a graph with an Y and X-axis the information is plotted by a distinct line or bar that connects to either access and extend to the appropriate data point.
What is a pie graph?
A pie graph is a circular representation of the percentages of a distinct set of data.
What is a direct relationship?
A direct relationship is the increase in one variable results in the increase of another variable.
What is an indirect relationship?
And indirect relationship is the increase in one variable result in a decrease of another.
What is a cyclic relationship?
A cyclic relationship is when a visible pattern of rising and falling data over a given length of time repeats.
What is a static relationship?
A static relationship is when the change of one variable doesn’t cause any change in the other.
What is a relationship?
A relationship is two variables being compared.
What is the shape of the Earth?
The shape of the earth is an oblate sphere.
Why are maps still some want inaccurate?
This is because black mat normally distort and elongate things.
What way do latitude lines run?
Latitude, lines, run horizontally, and parallel to each other.
What way do longitude lines run?
Longitude lines run vertically, and pass through the poles for this reason, lines of longitude get closer together, the closer you get to the poles.
What is the prime meridian?
The prime meridian runs form the royal observatory, in Greenwich England from north pole to the South Pole.
What is the international date line?
The international date line, which is in the association of date and time. It is between Alaska and Asia.
What advanced has helped in navigation?
How do stars move throughout the night?
Stars appear to move at a rate of 15°/h.
What did scientist discover about Polaris for finding location?
Polaris does not move so when you are in the northern hemisphere, your angle when you look at Polaris is what latitude lines you are on.
How is the rate of rotation calculated?
The earth rotate 15°/h. Therefore the earth spins 360°, every 24 hours.
How does the earth spin relative to space?
It spins counter clockwise from east to west.
What is the role of the international dateline?
It’s separate the new day from the old.
On topographic map, what do closely drawn line indicate?
They indicate that the terrain is very steep
How can an observer determine the direction of a rivers flow?
A “v” notch in a contour line indicates a river. The river flows out the open side towards the decreasing elevation.
What to hachure lines indicate?
They indicate a valley and/ or the elevation is decreasing.
What are topographic maps?
They are specialized maps that show the relief/ terrain of a given area.