EARTH SCI Flashcards
this is a cosmological model explaining how the universe began
the big bang theory
the big bang theory suggests that the universe began as a
this is the formation of elements, such as hydrogen and helium
the big bang theory states that as the universe expanda
its density decreases
what are the evidences that support the bnig bang theoru
expansion of the universe, high evidences of light elements, detection of cosmic microwave background (cmb) radaition
who are the proponents of the big bang theory
georges henri joseph edouard lemaitre, edwin powell hubble, arno penzias, robert wilson
arno penzias and robert wilson discovered that microwave with wavelenghts abouth
7 centimeters were present in space
who is considered the first proponent of the big bang theory
georges henri joseph edouard lemaitre
hubbles law provided evidence that the universe
was not static but expanding
this states that the relationship of the velocities of distant objects in the universe is directly proportional to their distance from earth
hubbles law
american astronomers
arno penzias and robert wilson
he was an american astronomer who established hubbles law
edwin powell hubble
what is the nearest galaxt in the milky way
andromeda galaxy
this is believed to be the thermal energy released when the ionized gases became neutral particles as the early universe cooled down
cmf radiation
the waves were referred to as
cosmic microwave background radiation
what are the drawbakcs of the big bang theory
it fails to explain how the universe was created, the big bang theory violates the assumptions of the first law if thermodynamics, formation of galaxies and millions of stars in the universe is against the assumptions of the law of entropy
this theory states that the universe has no beginning and no end
steady state theory
the steady state theory suggests that the univverse
has always been here and will always be present
who are the proponents of the steady state theory
hermann bondi, thomas gold, and fred hoyle