Early Pregnancy Concerns Flashcards
Investigations in recurrent T1 pregnancy loss (6)
- pelvic ultrasound
- genetic analysis poc
- hba1c
- tft
- apls screen
- rubella
Risk factors for recurrent miscarriage T1(6)
- Uncontrolled diabetes
- balanced reciprocal or robertsonisn translocation
- overt hypothyroidism
What is the cervical length associated with increased risk of pregnancy loss
Antiphospholipid obstetric factors
- 3 consecutive miscarriages before 10 weeks
- one morphological normally iud after 10 weeks
- one delivery before 34 weeks due to severe pre eclampsia or IUGR
Laboratory investigations for APLS (3)
- anti cardiolipin IgG/IgM
- lupus anticoagulant
- anti b2 flycoprotein 1
Two test
12 weeks apart
What is the success rate of manual vacuum aspiration for T1 miscarriage
95% -98%
Complications if MVA compared to EVA
Incomplete evacuation
1% vs 4%
Cervical laceration
0% vs 3%
Less blood loss in MVA
What is the criteria for expectant management of ectopic pregnancy (6)
- asymptomatic
- clinically stable
- ultraosund diagnosis of ectopic
- decreasing hcg from initial <1000(nice) 1500(gtg)
- <100ml haemoperitoneum
- adnexal mass <30mm
What is the success rate of expectant management for ectopic pregnancy
What is the follow up during expectant management
Twice weekly hcg (<50% initial value over 7 days)
Weekly vaginal ultrasound
Then weekly hcg and tvs until hcg <20iu/l
Criteria for medical management of ectopic pregnancy (6)
- haemodynamically stable
- unruptured ectopic <3.5cm
- no cardiac activity
- hcg <1500iu/l
- ability to comply with follow up
- access to medical care
What is the follow up during medical management
Hcg levels day 1, 4 and 7
Aim 15% fall between day 4 and 7
Then weekly until <20iu/l
Contraindications to MTX therapy (6)
- elevated transaminases -thrombocytopenia <100,000
- leucopenia <2000
- unable to follow up
- corticosteroid therapy
-intraperitoneal haemorrhage
How many patients require a second dose of methotrexate
How many patients require surgical intervention after MTX
What advice should be given to patients on MTX therapy (8)
- no sex for 2 weeks
- no nsaids due to risk if gastritis
- limit sunlight exposure
- avoid gas forming foods
- avoid 🤰 for 3mnths
- avoid alcohol
- avoid folic acid
- any severe pain ,dizziness, bleeding return to hospital
What are the side effects of MTX (7)
- abdominal pain
- nausea and vomiting
- diarrhea
- stomatitis gastritis, dermatitis
- photo phobia
- bonemarrow suppression
- elevated lft
More common with multi dose regime
Benefit of laparoscopic mx of ectopic (4)
- shorter operating time
- less blood loss
- less analgesia
- shorter hospital admission
Salpingectomy vs salpingotomy
- no difference In future intrauterine pregnancy rates
- higher risk of ectopic in salpingotomy
When to do salpingotomy
- disease or absent contralateral tube
What advice should be given to the patient after salpingotomy
- increased risk of persistent trophoblastic disease
- need fo further therapy such as methotrexate/salpingectomy (1/5 pts)
- increased risk of ectopic pregnancy
Follow up after salpingtomy
Once weekly hcg until negative
What is the risk of recurrence after ectopic pregnancy
1 and 2
1: 8-14%
2 or more : 25%
Overall 18.5
What is the intrauterine pregnancy rate after an ectopic
When can pregnancy be attempted after methotrexate
The longer the better.
Preconception high dose folic acid if 3 or less months
What is the mechanism of action of methotrexate
Anti- metabolite and anti- folate
How many women are affected by hypermesis gravidarum
0.3- 3.6%
How many patients are affected by nausea and vomiting
What is the course of hyperemesis typically
- start peak resolve
Starts between week 4-7
Peaks around week 9
Resolves by week 20(90% of cases)
What is the triad of hypermesis
- protracted NVP
- 5% prepregnancy weight loss
- dehydration (ketonuria and electrolyte imbalance)
How is the severity of NVP classified
Using the pregnancy unique quantification of emesis (PUQE) score
Mild <6
Moderate 7-12
Severe >13
Used to guide decision on in verses outpatient management
What are common biochemical findings in HG
- hyponatraemia
- hypokalaemia
- low Urea
- elevated hct
- elevated transaminases (40% of women)
Abnormal thyroid function(raised free t4) in 2/3 of cases
What is the differential diagnoses of HG (7)
- peptic ulcer
- cholecystitis
- gastroenteritis
- hepatitis
- pancreatitis
- genitourinary
- hpylori
What is the criteria for inpatient management
- inability to tolerate oral antiemetics
- ketonuria despite oral meds
- confirmed or suspected comorbidty eg uti
What is the criteria for inpatient management
- inability to tolerate oral antiemetics
- ketonuria despite oral meds
- confirmed or suspected comorbidty eg uti
What cautions should be taken with metoclopramide
- do not use in women younger than 25 years : increased risk of extrapyramidal disorders ans tardive dyskinesia
- should only be used for 5 days
Maximum dose 30mg in 24 hours
Incidence of ectopic pregnancy
2-3% of pts who present to early pregnancy unit
Mortality rate of ectopic in uk
What percentage of ectopic are heterotrophic
What is the risk of requiring further surgery or methotrexate following salpingotomy
What ate the ultrasound features of an ectopic pregnancy
1) inhomegenous or non cystic adnexal mass in 50-60%
2) empty gestational sac in 20-40%
3) extra uterine sav witl a yolk sac or embryonic pole in 15-20%