Early pregnancy complications/ reproductive technologies. Flashcards
What Is classed as early pregnancy?
anything up to 13 weeks pregnant
How common is early pregnancy loss?
20%. 1 in 5.
What is classed as a miscarriage?
-Anytime up to 24th week
What are the causes?
No identifiable cause. Maternal age strong contributor.
Whats a threatened miscarriage?
-Any vaginal bleeding in pregnancy <22 weeks with or without lower abdominal pain.
What is a inevitable miscarriage?
Specific clinical feature indicate that pregnancy is in the process of physiological expulsion from the uterine cavity.
What is an incomplete miscarriage
-early pregnancy tissue is partially expelled could result from an unrecognised missed miscarriage
what is a complete miscarriage?
Early pregnancy tissue is completely expelled.
What is the expectant management of a miscarriage?
Offer expectant management 7-14 days unless indication for treatment. If bleeding/ pain resolve advise pregnancy test after 2 weeks, if negative no need for routine follow up.
What Is the medical/surgical management of a miscarriage?
-Vaginal administration of misoprostol recommend for treatment of missed or incomplete miscarriages. The woman should experience bleeding within 24 hours. Repeat pregnancy test at 3 weeks and review If possible. Analgesia and anti-emetics should be offered.
What is an ectopic pregnancy?
Implantation of a fertilised ovum outside of the uterine cavity. Women usually present 5-9 weeks with positive pregnancy test, spotting and pelvic pain.
What is the diagnosis and management of an ectopic pregnancy?
- clinical history/examination
- transvaginal ultrasound visible after 6+6 weeks.
- HcG assessment, there’s a lower concentration for those with ectopic pregnancy
- management is dependant on maternal clinical condition and presentation of ectopic
- expectant monitoring, rescan and hCG monitoring supervised by experienced clinician.
- Medical treatment IM methotrexate (risk of haemorrhage so needs follow up)
- Surgery salpingectomy
- Anti D is required.
What is a molar pregnancy?
-Known as gestational trophoblastic disease. Complication of tumours originating from placental trophoblast.
What is the most common molar pregnancy?
Hydatidiform mole, complete or impartial. It is complete diploid patently derived genes with no embryo. Risk factors include very young maternal age and prev molar pregnancy. Presents with LGA uterus, Passage of grape like vesicles and exaggerated pregnancy symptoms such as hyperemesis and pre-eclampsia.
Diagnosis and treatment of a molar pregnancy?
-Associated with abnormally high hCG levels. Diagnosis ultrasound and serum hCG, confirmed with histology. Treatment surgical evacuation and curettage chemotherapy if choriocarcinoma. Frequent monitoring of hCG post-surgery to ensure return to normal minimum of 6 months and avoid pregnancy 6 months after chemotherapy. Treatment is 98% effective and 90% women go on to have normal pregnancies however reoccurrence is 15%.