Early Heroes Flashcards
Where does the epic of Gilgamesh take place?
- Near eastern
- Sumerians inhabited Mesopotamia around 2500 BCE
- Gilgamesh is king of Uruk (5th after the ‘flood’)
- Story comes from 12 Akkadian tablets from 700 BCE (cuneiform/wedge-shaped clay tablet)

Describe some characteristics of Gilgamesh
- Master of animals and natures
- Tames nature to make safe spots for humans
- A mortal hero with divine qualities
- Son of Lugalbanda (mortal king of Uruk) and Ninsun (goddess); struggles to accept his mortality
- Violent and arrogant
- Best friend Enkidu (gods made him, the hero’s double, out of clay)
- He is transformed through loss and suffering, and goes beyond mortal boundaries

How was Gilgamesh as a ruler?
What were the consequences?
- He was problematic: got into fights, consummates brides
- His citizens pray and the gods forge Enkidu
- Enkidu spawns as a wild hairy man
- Sacred prostitute Shamhat tames him, but he loses his ability to run with animals after sex
- She takes him to the city of Uruk where he meets Gilgamesh in a fight
- Together they slay the monster Humbaba who guards the cedar forest

Describe Gilgamesh and Ishtar
- Gilgamesh rejects and insults goddess Ishtar, and she punishes him by killing Enkidu
- Gilgamesh experiences grief and denial and does not bury Enkidu
- Only when he sees a worm fall from his nose does he give him an amazing funeral
- Gilgamesh questions his mortality (“must I too die?”)
Describe Gilgamesh’s solitary quest
- Gilgamesh leaves the city and roams the wilderness in lion skin
- Searching for the secret of immortality
- He travels beyond the limits of the world and talks to old wise man Utnapishtim
- Utnapishtim is old and survived the flood with his wife; he lives under a mountain through a tunnel
- Utnapishtim teaches him that he has to accept that he will die
- Gilgamesh returns home with his unique knowledge and writes it down in a sacred text
Describe the four main features of a greek hero and the general themes of greek hero stories
- Divine parent and human parent
- Weird birth
- Threatened
- Early powers
- Education in exile by supernatural beings
- Impossible task
- Divine interaction (usually Athena is a friend)
- Nostos
- Unhappy or tragic domestic life
- Ironic death
- Kleos and timé (undying)
General theme of separation, initiation, and return