Early government and foreign relations Flashcards
How did Stalin initially present himself in government?
Immense political skill through maintaining a moderate image whilst dealing with difficult alliances and personal rivalries however throughout he was supported by a loyal group of low level party members
How did he establish his government once he was in power?
- Use of Bureaucratic centralism (controlled from the centre)
- Factionalism was a crime
- A continuation from Lenin’s legacy as his closes comrade
- Fear characterised his policies through Dzerzhinsky and Menzhinsky’s control of the OGPU in 1926 as a political weapon against commoners which was justified as a continuation from Lenin who encouraged it
What propaganda like through the cult of Stalin?
- Images of happy and productive workers reinforced the socialist message behind industrialisation and collectivisation
- New policies were sold through presenting himself as a great leader similar to Lenin and Marx as the those of today
- He also wanted to connect with the tsarist past by using images and icons that were familiar to traditional peasant societies
- By 1929, the cult of Stalin was established as the great Helmsman steering the ship of the state away from dangers as Lenin’s true successor
- Lenin’s cult only emerged after his death as a great leader through revolution and Stalin increased his position as his body was embalmed and his tomb as a shrine
What were the attitudes to foreign policy?
- His main aim was to keep Russia safe during the creation of socialism in one country however complete isolation was unrealistic
- He saw the comintern as a nuisance remaining from the hopes of a permanent world revolution however until 1929, he would have to keep his view implicit
- Chicherin and Litvinov were able diplomats and well-regarded by Stalin for keeping the state safe through foreign policy
Why was China unstable?
- The old imperial China collapsed in 1911 and again after the death of the president Sun Yatsen in 1925 which led to mass strikes in Canton and Shanghai
- The CCP was formed in 1921 and wanted a communist revolution in China with Russia’s support
How did Stalin initially respond to the situation in China?
- He backed Jiang Jieshi, leader of the revolutionary-nationalist movement GMD, whom was more likely to maintain stability on the border
- He was suspicious of how the CCP interpreted Marxist ideology therefore he pushed the GMD and CCP to form an alliance but it never happened
What happened in March 1926?
The GMD massacred striking workers in Canton and established a military dictatorship
What happened in April 1927?
The GMD suppressed a communist-led worker’s revolt in Shanghai and thousands of workers were killed as well as in Wuhan and overall, in 1927, c30,000 people were killed
What was Stalin’s response in April?
- Stalin gave the GMD financial backing plus military help and pressure from the politburo to accept him
- He blamed the issues in China on the communists who supported peasantry over urban working class weakening relations
- Stalin’s betrayal of the CCP was criticised by Trotsky and the left but it was a minority perspective and encouraged defeat of the left by 1928
How did Stresemann improve relations with the USSR?
- Wanted to continue good relations after Rapallo and Chicherin was committed to a pro-Germany foreign policy
- In 1925, Stresemann attempted to restore Germany’s diplomatic position through Locarno treaties and agreement for pro-war settlement that wouldn’t be altered by force
What was the 1926 treaty of Berlin?
It was passed for Germans to adapt to a new political situation and Rapallo and by Litvinov as an amplification of Rapallo
- Article 1 - reinstated the importance of Russo-German relations especially due to diplomatic isolation after the war
- Article 2 - if either country were attacked by a third power, they would remain neutral
- Article 3 - wouldn’t take part in an economic boycott affecting one country
(Both 2 and 3 were consequences of the league of nations which they weren’t part of)
- Article 4 - the peace would last 5 years but it was cut short by Stresemann’s death in 1929
They also received financial credits from German banks benefitting from the Golden age
Why did the comintern initially receive low priority?
- Limited position
- Encouragement of socialism in one country
Why and how did his relationship change with the Comintern?
- Stalin’s power grew from 1928 through forced collectivisation and the annihilation of the Kulaks
- At the 6th comintern congress in July 1928, Stalin believed that the world situation was changing and world capitalism was facing a terminal crisis forcing the purge of social fascists and weak elements such as the left and Bukharin (criticised Stalin for being hypocritical)
What physical changes were made to the comintern?
- Loyal followers were placed in charge
- Strict discipline on communist parties especially in capitalist countries like France, Germany and Italy
- Soviet agents were sent to infiltrate foreign parties and report back to Moscow
- Encouraging the return of leaders for control rathe than unity through ideology