Early Childhood 2-6 years old: Physical and Cognitive Development Flashcards
Body Growth - Early Childhood
- Slower pattern of growth
- Average growth (2-3 inches, 5 pounds)
- Torso Lengthens and widens (more mobile, eating other foods)
- Spine straightens
- 2-6 years brain increases from 70 to 90% of its adult weight
- Lateralization/ establish links
Endocrine System
- Organization of the E.S.
- Glands
- Ductless tissue
- Secrete hormones
Endocrine System
- Organization of the E.S.
- Hormones
- Specialized Compounds
- Regulate activity of other tissues/organs
- Have specific roles
Endocrine System
- Organization of the E.S.
- Hormones Regulate
- Growth and Maturation
- Morphogenesis
- Respond to stimuli
- Integration
- Internal Environment
- Maintenance
Endocrine System
- Organization of the E.S.
- Hormones (2)
Have complex chemical structures made from:
- proteins
- steroids
- amines
- fatty acids
Work on a negative feedback loop whereby:
- too little of a regulated substance
- appropriate endocrine gland produces hormones
- increased production/release
Endocrine System
- The Master Gland-Pituitary
Brain (hypothalamus)
- Pituitary stalk - pituitary gland
- Sella turcica of sphenoid bone
Has two distinct lobes
- Anterior Pituitary
- growth and maturation
- Posterior Pituitary
- Intermediate Layer
- thin layer of cells
- responsible for changes in skin tone
Anterior Pituitary
A. Growth Hormone
Biologically timed
Pulse released in response to low blood sugar
- deep sleep
- children > adults
- excrete larger quantities
Increase synthesis of new proteins from amino acids
Body fat to glucose
Anterior Pituitary
B. Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone
Thyroid hormone
- increase BMR (basal metabolic rate) -> oxygen uptake and energy expenditure.
- Growth Hormone MUST have TH -> homeostatic level to be released
Anterior Pituitary
C. Corticotropin
Adrenal Glands
- Outer (adrenal cortex) & inner (adrenal medulla) portions
- Cortex secretes steroid and anabolic hormones
- Medulla secretes epinephrine (adrenaline)
Anterior Pituitary
D. Gonadotropins
Ovaries and Testes
Posterior Pituitary
- vasopressin: water regulation
- oxytocin: uterine motility/lactation (pregnancy and labor)
Disordered Growth
- from anterior pituitary
Growth Hormone (GH)
- excess GH -> diabetes mellitis
- prenatal and after birth excessive amounts seen to have a negative effect.
Disordered Growth
- from anterior pituitary
Two types of diabetes
Type I: Insulin Dependent
- pancreas does not produce insulin
- starts at birth
Type II:
- pancreas works normally, body doesn’t take up the insulin
- starts later in life
Disordered Growth
- from anterior pituitary
Pre-pubertal: Gigantism
- hormone levels are not controlled
the secretion of GH cannot be controlle
Post-pubertal: Acromegaly
- hands, feet and face
Hyposecretion ->growth failure at an early stage
Psychosocial Dwarfism
Disordered Growth
- from anterior pituitary
- Autoimmune
- Thyroiditis
- Thyroiditis
- Nodular