Early Childhood Flashcards
body and growth changes in early childhood
- full set of temporary teeth come in by age 3
- cartilage hardens and turns into bone
- growth starts to slow down and start to slim down
sleep pattern in early childhood
- kids start to elongate the bedtime routine
- transitional objects: an object that helps child to transition from dependency in infancy to independence of childhood
disturbances in sleep
nightmares: frightening dreams that a child remembers upon waking up (occurs in REM)
night terrors: experiences of terror during sleep, child may seem awake but not (occurs during deep sleep)
fancy word for bed wetting
motor development
gross motor: walking up and down stairs without support, unorganized sports are recommended
fine motor: use of scissors, duplo blocks
which hand is preferred, normally obvious by age 3
obesity and undernutrition in early childhood
- obesity starting at a younger age
- undernutrition may be due to socioeconomic status
physical abuse
actions that endanger a chuld or cause injury (11%)
failure to meet childs basic needs, failing to provide supervision (61%)
sexual abuse
sexual interactions with child and older person (7%)
emotional maltreatment
rejecting terrorizing, isolating, and failing to produce love and support
piagetian approach for cog. dev. in early childhood
preoperational stage (2-7 years)
symbolic function
ability to learn using symbols (mental representations of things)
pretend play is extremely symbolic
the linking to two events close in time despite the fact that the link may not be logical
the inability to consider another person’s POV (the sand mountain experiment)
the idea that despite the shape or height change something remains the same amount
inability to understand that operations and events can go 2 ways
theory of mind
awareness or understanding of mental processes
generic memory
- age 2
- generic script that serves as an outline for repeated familiar events
e.g. bedtime routine
episodic memory
- 2-3 yrs
- memory of specific episode of event
- tends to be temporary unless reinforced
autobiographical memory
a type of episodic memory but holding a personal meaning to the person
social interaction model
we construct our autobiographical memories through talking and sharing it with others