Ear Acupuncture Flashcards
What is the former name of the point “Middle Cymba Conchae” ?
Periphery / Umbilicus
The Groove of Inferior Helix Crus is also called Groove for ?
Groove for Lowering Blood Pressure
What is the former name of the Back Tragic Notch located on the ear lobule?
Eye 2
This point will open orifices and relieve pain, ease zang-fu organs (tx headache, nasal obstruction)
Root of Auricular Vagus Nerve
Which part of the ear is formerly known as “hypertension” ?
Superior Triangle of Triangular Fossa
This point supports yang and nourishes essence, regulates menstruation, and harmonizes blood. It is located in the depression of the triangular fossa.
Uterus / Seminal Palace
The point “Brain” is formerly known as? Treats KD xu.
What are the actions and indications of the Ear Apex?
Removing heat and wind
This point is located on the inferior aspect of the Helix Crus and regulates function of the diaphragm.
Cardiac Orifice
What is the former name of “Section 4 of Ear Lobe” ?
Neurasthenic Point
What point is formerly known as “Hemorrhoidal Nucleus” ?
Front Ear Apex
What is the former name of “Frontal Tragic Notch” located on the Ear Lobule?
Eye 1
What is the former name of the “Antitragic Apex” ?
Soothing Asthma or Parotid
Which point on the antitragus will treat YangMing headache?
What are the actions and indications of “Diaphragm”?
Tx ST qi rebellion, expels wind, tc jaundice and skin conditions
This auricular point is used to sedate and ease the mind, relieving pain, and clearing heat. It is located in the Triangular Fossa.
The point “Temple” is formerly known as?
The point “TaiYang” on the Antitragus between “Forehead” and “Occiput” is indicated by what condition?
Shaoyang headache
The Infratragic Apex is also known as what?
What are the actions and indications of Section 4 of Ear Lobe?
Communicating water with fire, tranquilizing heart and easing mind.
What are the actions and indications of the End of Inferior Antihelix Crus?
Autonomous Nerve System dysfunction, antispasmodic & analgesia
What are the actions and indications of “tragic apex” ?
Reducing heat and relieving pain
Located on the Cavum Conchae, the point “Intertragus” is formerly known as?
The Superior Tragus is formerly known as?
The “Interior Tubercle” is located at the upper edge of the auricle tubercle… what is it’s former name?
Urticaria or Allergic Point (expels wind, stops itching)
What is the former name of Lower Route Auricle?
Spinal Cord
What are the actions and indications of the “Angle of Cymba Conchae” ?
Clarifying lower jiao, removing obstruction from the urethra
What are the actions and indications of “Adrenal” ?
Reducing heat and relieving pain, antispasmodic, expelling wind, and stress control
What is the former name of “Middle Border” on the Antitragus?
What is the former name of the Upper Root of Auricle?
Middle Stasis or Spinal Cord
Where is the middle ear located?
Helix Crus (middle of the ear)
This point will regulate the middle jiao and harmonize the SP.
Periphery / Umbilicus / Middle Cymba Conchae
What are the actions and indications of “Groove for Lowering Blood Pressure” ?
Pacifying liver & descending reversing qi of the liver, relieving skin disease.
Which point nourishes kidney-water and subdues liver yang? It is located on the Tragus
Ear (superior tragus)
What are the actions and indications of Helix 1-6?
Clearing heat and relieving pain (inflammation)
What is the former name of “Lower Tragic Notch” located on the ear lobule?
Elevating Blood Pressure
This point relieves pain and asthma and is located on the Back Auricle.
Spinal Cord
What are the actions and indications of Endocrine?
Removing LIV qi stagnation, regulating mensuration, blood circulation, expelling pathogenic wind, reinforcing lower jiao.
The point “ischium” treats what? It is also formerly known as this…
The “End of Inferior Antihelix Crus” is also known as what?
Sympathetic Nerve