Ear Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
clinically Acute suppurative otitis media appears as :
while chronic?
Pain fever
Tense Hypermic Tympanic membrane
chronic = perforeated tympanic + imparied hearing
boxer with deofrmity of ear due to cartilage degenration by repeated trauama =
Cauliflower ear
destroyed cartilage repleaced by fibrous tissue appears in which ear deformity ?
Cauliflower ear
when foot of stapes if replaced by fibros tissue then sclerotic bone > ?
Tumor like lesions
Benign tumores
Malingant tumors
in ear
tunmor like lesion : epidermal cyst
Benign tumors : nevi and Squamous cell papilloima
Malignant tumor : SCC BCC Malignant Melanoma MM
aural otic polyps and ceumen gland tumors appear in .,….ear ?
Middle ear tumoro ll ? ……+…..
Innear ear ? …….
External ear
Cholestaetoma ( Keratoma ) + juglar Paraganglioma
Acoustic swhanomma or neroma
Aural otic polyps
Tumor like lesion
arsising from ,,,,,,,,, ear as complication of …….. and project to ,,,,,,, ?
Middle ear - chronic otitis media
external auditory meatus
Describe otic Aural Polyp histologically
Composed of Chronic inflammatory granulation tissue covered by pseudo stratidfied columnar epithelium or ?
It is laible to Squamous metaplasia
dESCRIBE Choleteteatoma
Post inflammarotey pseduto tumor
a history of acute or chronic OtITIS Media
The pseduo tumor appears in Middle ear + Mastoid air cells
Called Keratoma or Epidermal inclusion cyst
Stratifeed squamous epithelum forms Sac filled with keratin in middle ear
Stratifed sqauomus epthelium forming choletatoma of keratoma source?
Exfoliated from External ear entering middle ear
Or congenital embrynonal rests of squamous cells in tempral bone
Describe Keratoma or cholestatmoa histologivally
Cyst filled with
Keratin + Histocytes + Cholesterol Crystals
there may be pressure or erosion of bone
Tumors orgingating from parasympathic ganglia called …….?
the one arsising from glomus jugular bodies in middle ear called ……..
the most common BENING TUMOR of middle ear
Juglar paraganglioma
Juglar paraganlioma microspoic
Organoid pattern
Cells filled with Neuroscretory granules separated in stroma by fibrovascular septa
may extend to skull+ brain but rarely metastiss
Acoustic neroma or schwannomma :-
tumor of schwann cells of ………?
usually in ……….+………….
Bening tumor
Produce compression of ….+……
deafness -tinnitis compression of brainstem and hydrocephalus
CN8 vestibulochoclear
Internal auditroy canal or Cerebellopontine angle
Antoni A and Antonia B
Verocay bodies appears in
Acostic neruoma