Ear Flashcards
Ear pinna is formed of…..while outer part of EAM is formed of…..
Yellow elastic fibro-cartialge
Yellow elastic cartilage
Ceruminous glands are……, the function of their secretion is……
Modified apocrine sweat glands
Ear wax prevents objects from penetrating deep into the meatus
The inner surface of tympanic membrane & the middle ear are lined by…..which transitions into…..in the Eustachian tube.
Simple cuboidal epithelial
Respiratory epithelium
The function of tympanic membrane is…..
While function of bony ossicles is……., mention their lining
Transmits sound waves to the bony ossicles of the middle ear
Act as a lever, as they maginfy the vibration received from tympanic membrane to the oval window then to the inner ear. Lined by simple squamous epithelium.
Action of tensor tympani is…..(1)while stapedius……(2)
- Makes ear drum tense
- Pukks stapes out to protect the organ of Corti from high vibrations
Membranous labyrinth is filled with……while bony labyrinth is filled with…..
The vestibule contains…….which are connected by……..and lined by……, their receptor areas are called……
Utricle & saccule
Utriculosaccular duct
Simple squamous epithelium
Compare type I & II hair cells
Type I: flask-shaped cells with rounded base & narrow apex, have rounded basal nuclei, they are completely surrounded. By afferent nerve terminal calyx.
Type II: They are more numerous, cylindrical, with button endings from afferent nerves
Both types contact many afferent & efferent nerve endings
Hair cells have a single…..and many….. which are connected to……
Actin-rich apical cytoplasm (cuticular plate) which returns these rigid stereocilia to a normal upright position after bending.
Tips of stereocilia are embedded in……., which is……
Otolithic membrane
It is a gelatinous proteoclycans layer with calcium carbonate crystals on its surface (otolith or otoconia)
Dilated part of semicircular canals is…….and contains neuroepitheial area called……
Crista ampullaris
Function of supporting cells & connections
- Support & nutrition of hair cells
- Production of otolithic membrane
Junctional complex
Mention differences between crista ampullaris & macula
Crista ampullaris is characterized by:
1. The proteoglycans kayer is called cupula, thicker & conically shaped with no otolith
2. The cupula extends across the ampulla establishing contact with the opposite wall
The cochlea turns around……,…..times.
2 and 3/4
In cochlea, a shelf extends laterally from modiolus called…..
Osseous spiral lamina