Ear Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
External ear formed of?
External auditory meatus
Tympanic membrane
(Tympanic cavity)
It is an air filled space located in the …….
part of the temporal bone. It communicates
posteriorly with the ……….. &
with the …………..
Petrous temporal
post = Mastoid air siuses
Ant = Auidtory eustichain tube
irregular plate of elastic
cartilage, covered by skin in external ear ?
ceruminous glands
appears in ?
mention its strucute
External audiotry meatus
1/3 cartilage outer
2/3 bone inner
covered by skin + cerminuous glands
Mention structure and function of Tympanic membrane
Formed of :
Oute epidemirs stratifed squamous epithleium
Inner Simple squamous or cuboidal
In between there is collagen and elastic fibers
Transmit sound waves to osicles of middle ear
The wall of the auditory tube is usually
collapsed . Swallowing.
-It opens during
3- Blowing of nose
releiving the pressure
Bony osicles lined by
but middle ear cavity lined by?
Simple sqquamous
simple cubical
Mention contents of middle ear
2 Windows :
Round and Oval window closed by membranes connecting the middle to inner ear
3Osicles : Malleus ,incus , stapes
connecting the tympanic membrane to oval window
2muscles :
Tensor tympani : connected to Malleus
Stapedius connected to stapes
Mention functions of osicles
Magnification of Vibration received from tympanic membrane to reach properly to inner ear
Mention fucntions of muscles found in middle ear
Loud noise casuing contratcion of these muscles that leads to limit movement of stapes + tympanic membrane to protect inner Ear
Inner ear formed of ?
Auditory apparatus
Vestivular apparatus
- Bony labryinth + membranous labryinth
Bony labryinth formed of ?
Series of spaces in temporal bone
Lined by ?endosteum
Filled with perilymph
formed of
Vestibule + semicirucular canals =Vestibualr
Choclea = auditory
Membranous labryinth formed of ?
Ducts lining the bony labryinth
filled with endolymph Poor Na Rich K
Contains neuroepithelium for special sensory function
Formed of :
1-Saccule + utricle of vestibule
2-Semicircular ducts inside canals
Choclear duct
The vestibule
It is the ……part of the
bony labyrinth.
Its lateral wall contains
It contains the membranous labyrinth :
ROund + Oval windows
Saccule + utricle
*They are formed of…………+……………
*They are bound to the periosteum of the bony
vestibule by thin strands of ……………………..?
*They are connected to each other by the
??????????? duct.
Connective tissue + Simple squamous lining
Connective tissue containing blood vessels supplying membranous labryinth
Urticulosaccular duct
How endolymatic sac formed and what is the function
Ducts of utricle + Saccule union fomring endolympahtic duct then endolymphatic sac for
1-Fomration of endolymph
2-Clearing debris from the endolymph by phagocytes
Ductrs reunions connects
Saccule + Choclea
Detecting the orientation of head inrelation to gravity + acceleration
Macula of saccule
Maculea of utricle
Mention strucute of Mauclea
Neuroepithelium =
Hair cells + supporting cells + Nerve endings
Compare between type 1 and 2 hair cells Of macula
1: flask + cup free nerve ending surrounding the cell
2: columnar + many afferent free nerve endings