Eapp Reviewer Flashcards
It’s an example of text produced for academic purposes .This is done by students to meet the standard which the senior high school or college curriculum may require
Academic text
Saqueton and Uychoco (2016) define this as a process that starts with posing a question,problematizing a concept,evaluating and opinions,ends in answering the questions
Academic Writing
Give an example of academic writing
Any of this : Research paper, position paper, reaction paper ,concept paper , essay,position paper,education reports
What are the four factors to consider in making academic writing?
And Format
It refers to the intended reader for one’s piece of writing
It refers to who you are as a writer
It refers to the reason why a piece of writing is produced; these may include informing,persuading,or arguing something
It refers to the form most appropriate for one’s piece of writing
What are the different academic writing conventions?
Acronym is FISH
This refers to how we use a different phraseology or words that we carefully chose to suit a particular idea or concept
Academic writing is formal
It’s a convention that means not writing immediately the first thing that comes to mind and avoiding conversational tone in writing
Academic writing is formal
This refers to wording and expression that conveys a sense of non familiarity and objectivity.
Academic writing is impersonal
This refers to certain structural elements that sets academic writing apart from others
Academic writing is structured
This refers to the use of cautious language in order not to sound condescending or too proud about a certain claim
Academic writing uses hedged language
This is an important feature of academic writing
This refers to the way an author arranges information in his writing
Text structure
Kinds of text structure
Comparison and contrast
Cause and effects
Basic strategy used by writers for presenting action
Two types of narration
Objective narration
Subjective narration
In this type of narration facts are present to create an accurate timeline of events
Objective narration
This type of narration conveys impression, feelings insights or point of views
Subjective narration
This is used in explaining unfamiliar terms
What are the five types of definition?
Standard definitions
Regulatory definition
Qualifying definition
Personal definition
Invented definitions
It’s a type of definition which meaning is rarely change and universally accepted
Standard definitions
It’s a types of definition where meanings are assigned by organization and changes depending on how it’s used
Regulatory definition
It’s a type of definition where meanings of words that are subjects for interpretation
Qualifying definition
It’s a type of definition which depend on the interpretation or assigned meaning of the writer himself
Personal definition
This is a type of definition where meaning given to word which are newly-coined as already being used in the society
Invented definitions
It’s a kind of text structure that involves combining objects or terms into categories based on distinct characteristics
2 Types of classification
Official classification
Personal classification
This type of classification includes widely known categories used by the government, a business or an organization
Official classification
This type of classification is the authors discretion to classify and categorize ideas
Personal classification
This kind of text structure is used to see how objects or items are alike and to identify their differences
Comparison and contrast
Two ways in using comparison and contrast
Chunks/ Chunking
Sequence/ Sequencing
This is the way in using comparison and contrast where characters of the items being compared are being presented separately
Chunks/ Chunking
This is a way in using comparison and contrast where attributes of the objects are presented point by point
Sequence/ Sequencing
it’s a kind of text structure that states or explain the reasons why things happen or explain the result of a certain phenomenon
Cause and effects
what are the four types of writing style?
This writing’s main purpose is to explain, without voicing personal opinions.And it’s often equiped with facts and figures
This writing main purpose is to describe and is often poetic in nature
This writing main purpose is to convince, and it contains opinions and biases of the author. It’s equiped with reasons, arguments and justification
This writing’s main purpose is to tell a story. It has definite beginning, intervals and endings.
What are the nature of academic text?
It’s the way in which something is written, as opposed to the meaning of what is written
It’s word choice
This may be objective or subjective,logical or emotional,intimate or distant, serious or humorous
This point of view use the pronoun “I”
First person
This point of view use the pronoun you
Second person
This point of view involves directly stating who is being written without using I,me,we,us,or you
Third person
This is a sentence that expresses the main idea of a research paper or essay. It makes a claim, directly answering a questions. It’s a factual statement and also known as the central message or the main idea
Thesis statement
What are the two types of thesis statement?
Direct thesis statement
Indirect thesis statement
This type of thesis statement gives specific outline of the essay /text
Direct thesis statement
This type of thesis statement does not state the explicit reason of the thesis statement
Indirect thesis statement
Three things that you must investigate in identifying the thesis statement
Reason of the author for writing
Is this fact
What is the purpose of the text itself
True or false
Every paper requires a thesis statement
True or false
A thesis statement must come at the end of the first paragraph
True or false
A thesis statement must be one sentence in length,no matter how many clauses it contains
True or false
You can’t start writing an essay until you have a perfect thesis statement
True or false
A thesis statement must give three points of support
What are the five ways on how thesis statement or main idea can be written ?
Deductive Inductive
Inductive Deductive
This is a writing method which starts from particular to general; specific details are presented at the first part of the text and conclusion, or generalization are place at the end
This writing method starts from general to specific, conclusion are presented first before presenting the support ideas or the specific details
This pattern starts from a general statement,proceeds in discussing specific details and ends with a recapitulation of the generalized statement
In short
General to specific to general
Deductive- Inductive
This pattern starts from specific, presents a generalized statement or conclusion and proceeds in discussing additional information
In short
Specific to general to additional information/ support details
Inductive - Deductive
The most different method this pattern does not directly present a generalized statement or conclusion, which means the writer leaves it to the audience to conclude and makes generalized statement
It is an important skill in critical reading,it’s used to determine the essential Ideas in a book
This is means writing a shorter version of the original material,it is simply putting together all the important ideas contained in the original material
Give things that needs to be considered in summarizing
Clarify your purpose before you read. 2. Read the text and understand the meaning. Do not stop reading until you understand the message conveyed by the author. Locate the gist or main idea of the text, which can usually be found either at the beginning, in the middle, or in the end. 3. Select and underline or circle the key ideas and phrases while reading; another strategy is to annotate the text. 4. Write all the key ideas and phrases you identified. 5. Without looking at the text, identify the connections of these key ideas and phrases using a concept map, graphic organizers or thinking maps. 6. List your ideas in sentences into a paragraph. 7. Combine the sentences into a paragraph. Use appropriate transitional devices to improve cohesion. 8. Ensure that you do not copy a single sentence from the original text. 9. Refrain from adding comments about the text. Stick to the ideas it presents. 10. Edit the draft of your summary by eliminating redundant ideas. 11. Compare your output with the original text to ensure accuracy. 12. Record the details of the original source (author’s name/s, date of publication,title. publisher, place of publishing, and URL [if online])
What are the general tips in summarizing?
Re-read the text to be summarized repeatedly. 2. Identify the main idea of the text. 3. Put yourself in the situation of the reader. 4. Use appropriate transitional devices. 5. Limit your summary to a few sentences. 6. Proofread your work.
It is the process of organizing one’s ideas in a logical way
What is the two common outline patterns that are used in writing?
IBC- Introduction -Body- Conclusion
IMRD- Introduction- Methodology - Results - Discussion
This type of format is usually used in research
IMRD- Introduction- Methodology- Results - Discussion
What are the general principles in outlining?
This general principle means that noun should be made parallel with nouns,verbs and verbs
Items of equal significance in the same category or label
Though it’s most important and least important details. Writer should distinguish major and minor components of the outline
Basic rule is to have two or more parts and it should be based on rank /level/category
What are the general rules when writing an outline?
Follow this format: MAN TOPICS = ROMAN NUMERALS (I, I, II) Subtopics = CAPITAL LETTERS (A, B, C) Details under capital letters = Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3) Details under Arabic numbers are shown by small letters (a, b, c) Details under small letters = ((1), (2), (3)) Details under Arabic numbers in parentheses (a) (b) 2. First letter must be capitalized. 3. Any point must have at least two (2) sub points 4. Use either the sentence or phrase (topic/words) for each point. 5. Be consistent.