Eagly 02 Flashcards
What beauty is good (definition)
Existence of a stereotype whereby physically attractive individuals are believed to possess a wide variey of positive personal qualities (linking beauty and goodness)
Classical study (Dion, 1972)
- subjects had to rate facial photographs in physical attractiveness & their personality traits.
- more favorable personality traits were ascribed to physically more attractive individuals :)
Social psycholy and beauty - three broad questions
- Are attractive pople perceived differently?
- Are attractive poeple treated differently?
- Do attractive pople have different charcateristics?
Two important implications due to FOCUS on .. are attractive tragets perceived differently?
- Methdologically: included only studies that assess the physical attractiveness in a relatively purely form.
- Theoretically: Focus on physical attractiveness stereotype
Physical attractiveness stereotype and implicit personality theory
Social categories of attractive and unattractive poeple should be associated in individual cognition with various dimensions of personality.
Implicit personality theory (dimensions)
- Evaluative dimension
- Content-specific types of evaluative meaning (multidimensional scaling)
Categories that were included in the meta-analysis
- Social competence
- Intellectual competence
- Concern for others
- Integrity (honesty)
- Adjustment
- Potency
Sources of physical attractiveness stereotype
- Direct observation of attractive and unattractive poeple in one’s social environment
- Exposure to cultural representation of attractive and unattrcative peopel
Predictions of the meta-analysis
- Attractive targets should be assigned more positive attributes than unattractive individuals (vary as a function of evaluative meaning)
Other predictions
- Whether info that subject receive about attributes may account for inconsistencien in the outcome of studies.
- Beauty-is-good effect should becoem smaller as the amount of other info about target increases.
- Whether the attractiveness stereotype may be stronger for female targets than for male targets.
- Whther physical attractiveness is more important to perceovers one one sex than the other.
Catgeorization of the DV (8)
- Social competence
- Intellectual competence
- Concern for others
- Integrity
- Adjustment
- Potency
- General evaluation
- Other
Exclusion rules
- Only general physical attractiveness as IV
- Only if attractveness was defined independetly from raters
- DV has to be evaluative (and not a behavioral measure)
- Person’s had no prior role relationship
Study level effect sizes
- Evaluations were more favorable for attractuve targets
- .91 of the study-level effect sizes favored the attractive targets over the unattractive targets.
Physical attractiveness and types of attrbutes
- Social competence: largest mean effect size
- Concern for others/integrity: smalles mean effect size
- All the others in the medium.
Relations between other study attributed and the physical attractiveness stereotype - they looked at …
- Publication form
- Instructional set
- Type of attractiveness variation
- Type of control
- Within/Between
- Stimuli in color
- Sex of target
- Presence of individuating information