EAB Med Units Flashcards
At what roles are all 10 medical functions used?
Roles 3 and 4 (echelons above brigade)
How does AMEDD contribute to the battlefield effort?
By providing continuity of care through all aspects of force health protection (FHP)/health service support (HSS)
AHS reference
FM 4-02
AHS support to maneuver forces reference
ATP 4-02.3
casualty care references
ATP 4-02.5
medical evacuation reference
ATP 4-02.2
Force health protection reference
ATP 4-02.8
How are MEDCOM (DS) and MEDBDE (SPT) related
MEDBDEs are not under any specific unit until they are deployed which is when they fall under medical command deployment support
What is an MMB?
multifunctional medical battalion; a multifunctional organization which can provide the requisite planning, synchronization, and coordination for modular medical companies, detachments, and teams/elements.
What is the mission of an MMB
To provide scalable, flexible, and modular medical mission command, administrative assistance, logistical support, and technical supervision capability for assigned and attached medical functional organizations task organized for support of deployed BCTs and EAB forces
Why is modularity important
it has resulted in a smaller deployed medical footprint through enhancing the capability to rapidly task-organize scalable medical capabilities
How are MMBs allocated
one MMB per combination of three to seven medical companies or ten to fifteen medical detachments or teams. This basis of allocation is computed on the aggregate of total companies, detachments, and teams assigned or attached
MMB Configuration
- Modular battalion-role medical headquarters; can be scaled upwards as complexity of mission and battlefield increases
- Only the battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment (HHD) is organic
- All other subordinate units are task organized by the MEDCOM (DS) or MEDBDE based on (METT-TC)
- Provides planning, administrative, and logistical support for task organized units
Examples of MMB capabilities provided by attached elements
EAB Med Units:
Medical Company Area Support (MCAS 3-4)
Medical Company Ground Ambulance
Medical Logistics (MEDLOG) company
Medical Detachment Blood Support
Medical Detachment Veterinary Service Support
Medical Detachment Preventive Medicine
Medical Detachment Combat Operational Stress Control (COSC)
Dental Company Area Support
Area Medical Laboratory
Medical company ground ambulance
Mission: To provide ground evacuation within the theater of Operations.
- Medical evacuation from medical companies (BSMCs and MCASs) to AOR hospitals
- Augmentation of medical company evacuation assets
- Movement of patients between hospitals within EAB or to aeromedical staging facilities for evacuation from the AOR
- Emergency movement of medical personnel and supplies
- Area evacuation support beyond the capabilities of the MCAS(s)
This unit has a single-lift capability for evacuation of 96 litter patients or 192 ambulatory patients
Medical detachment blood support
- Provides collection, manufacturing, storage, and distribution of blood and blood products to EAB medical units
- Normally attached to an MMB for life support; five-soldier Forward Distribution Section may attach to a MEDLOG Company for operations
- Blood is managed by components packed: Red blood cells (RBCs) (most common at Role 2), Fresh frozen plasma (FFP), Platelets/whole blood (WB) (collected in theater)
Medical logistics company
Provides the following MEDLOG support to EAB medical units operating within the AOR:
- Capabilities:
Medical Materiel (Class VIII)
Medical Maintenance
Single and multi-vision optical lens fabrication
Patient Movement Items (PMI)
Has no organic blood support capability (distribution element from a Medical Detachment (Blood Support) may be attached)
AOR will be assigned by its higher HQ (MMB or MEDBDE) - The company will normally be under the mission command of an MMB. The company has the capability for limited self-sustainment during initial operations, meeting the requirement for early entry into the AOR, or as part of a task organization.
Medical Company Area support
Mission: Provides Role 2 AHS support within its assigned AO, as well as unit level (Role 1) support for assigned and attached units without organic Role 1 capability.
- Provides-Treatment/sick call services
- Ancillary Services (lab, x-ray, dental)
- Ground ambulance/evacuation support
- Medical Logistics
- Behavioral Health - May reinforce support to BCTs
Forward surgical team (FST)
Mission: To provide a rapidly deployable immediate surgery capability forward in the division AOR, enabling patients to withstand further evacuation
- 20-person team with 2 OR tables
- Performs triage/ preop resuscitation, initial surgery, and postop nursing care for up to 30 critically wounded or injured patients over a period of 72 hours
- Post-operative nursing care for up to 8 patients simultaneously prior to further patient evacuation
- Operationally employed by being attached to a medical company (BSMC or MCAS); otherwise attached to a Combat Support Hospital
- 100% mobile (has vehicles with trailers; capable of moving all assigned personnel and equipment)
- Requires significant external support from medical company or CSH in order to function:
- Food service and water distribution
- Unit maintenance
- Patient regulation and evacuation coordination
- Base and convoy security
- NBC decontamination