E4 Amateur Practices Flashcards
E4A01 (C)
Which of the following parameter determines the bandwidth of a digital or computer-based oscilloscope?
C. Sampling rate
E4A02 (B)
Which of the following parameters would a spectrum analyzer display on the vertical and horizontal axes?
B. RF amplitude and frequency
E4A03 (B)
Which of the following test instrument is used to display spurious signals and/or intermodulation distortion products in an SSB transmitter?
B. A spectrum analyzer
E4A04 (A)
What determines the upper frequency limit for a computer soundcard-based oscilloscope program?
A. Analog-to-digital conversion speed of the soundcard
E4A05 (D)
What might be an advantage of a digital vs an analog oscilloscope?
A. Automatic amplitude and frequency numerical readout
B. Storage of traces for future reference
C. Manipulation of time base after trace capture
D. All of these choices are correct
E4A06 (A)
What is the effect of aliasing in a digital or computer-based oscilloscope?
A. False signals are displayed
E4A07 (B)
Which of the following is an advantage of using an antenna analyzer compared to an SWR bridge to measure antenna SWR?
B. Antenna analyzers do not need an external RF source
E4A08 (D)
Which of the following instrument would be best for measuring the SWR of a beam antenna?
D. An antenna analyzer
E4A09 (B)
When using a computer’s soundcard input to digitize signals, what is the highest frequency signal that can be digitized without aliasing?
B. One-half the sample rate
E4A10 (D)
Which of the following displays multiple digital signal states simultaneously?
D. Logic analyzer
E4A11 (A)
Which of the following is good practice when using an oscilloscope probe?
A. Keep the signal ground connection of the probe as short as possible
E4A12 (B)
Which of the following procedures is an important precaution to follow when connecting a spectrum analyzer to a transmitter output?
B. Attenuate the transmitter output going to the spectrum analyzer
E4A13 (A)
How is the compensation of an oscilloscope probe typically adjusted?
A. A square wave is displayed and the probe is adjusted until the horizontal portions of the displayed wave are as nearly flat as possible
E4A14 (D)
What is the purpose of the prescaler function on a frequency counter?
D. It divides a higher frequency signal so a low-frequency counter can display the input frequency
E4A15 (C)
What is an advantage of a period-measuring frequency counter over a direct-count type?
C. It provides improved resolution of low-frequency signals within a comparable time period
E4B01 (B)
Which of the following factors most affects the accuracy of a frequency counter?
B. Time base accuracy
E4B02 (C)
What is an advantage of using a bridge circuit to measure impedance?
C. It is very precise in obtaining a signal null
E4B03 (C)
If a frequency counter with a specified accuracy of +/- 1.0 ppm reads 146,520,000 Hz, what is the most the actual frequency being measured could differ from the reading?
C. 146.52 Hz
E4B04 (A)
If a frequency counter with a specified accuracy of +/- 0.1 ppm reads 146,520,000 Hz, what is the most the actual frequency being measured could differ from the reading?
A. 14.652 Hz
E4B05 (D)
If a frequency counter with a specified accuracy of +/- 10 ppm reads 146,520,000 Hz, what is the most the actual frequency being measured could differ from the reading?
D. 1465.20 Hz
E4B06 (D)
How much power is being absorbed by the load when a directional power meter connected between a transmitter and a terminating load reads 100 watts forward power and 25 watts reflected power?
D. 75 watts
E4B07 (A)
What do the subscripts of S parameters represent?
A. The port or ports at which measurements are made
E4B08 (C)
Which of the following is a characteristic of a good DC voltmeter?
C. High impedance input
E4B09 (D)
What is indicated if the current reading on an RF ammeter placed in series with the antenna feed line of a transmitter increases as the transmitter is tuned to resonance?
D. There is more power going into the antenna
E4B10 (B)
Which of the following describes a method to measure intermodulation distortion in an SSB transmitter?
B. Modulate the transmitter with two non-harmonically related audio frequencies and observe the RF output with a spectrum analyzer
E4B11 (D)
How should an antenna analyzer be connected when measuring antenna resonance and feed point impedance?
D. Connect the antenna feed line directly to the analyzer’s connector
E4B12 (A)
What is the significance of voltmeter sensitivity expressed in ohms per volt?
A. The full scale reading of the voltmeter multiplied by its ohms per volt rating will indicate the input impedance of the voltmeter
E4B13 (C)
Which S parameter is equivalent to forward gain?
C. S21
E4B14 (B)
What happens if a dip meter is too tightly coupled to a tuned circuit being checked?
B. A less accurate reading results
E4B15 (C)
Which of the following can be used as a relative measurement of the Q for a series-tuned circuit?
C. The bandwidth of the circuit’s frequency response
E4B16 (A)
Which S parameter represents return loss or SWR?
A. S11
E4B17 (B)
What three test loads are used to calibrate a standard RF vector network analyzer?
B. Short circuit, open circuit, and 50 ohms
E4C01 (D)
What is an effect of excessive phase noise in the local oscillator section of a receiver?
D. It can cause strong signals on nearby frequencies to interfere with reception of weak signals
E4C02 (A)
Which of the following portions of a receiver can be effective in eliminating image signal interference?
A. A front-end filter or pre-selector
E4C03 (C)
What is the term for the blocking of one FM phone signal by another, stronger FM phone signal?
C. Capture effect
E4C04 (D)
How is the noise figure of a receiver defined?
D. The ratio in dB of the noise generated by the receiver to the theoretical minimum noise
E4C05 (B)
What does a value of -174 dBm/Hz represent with regard to the noise floor of a receiver?
B. The theoretical noise at the input of a perfect receiver at room temperature
E4C06 (D)
A CW receiver with the AGC off has an equivalent input noise power density of -174 dBm/Hz. What would be the level of an unmodulated carrier input to this receiver that would yield an audio output SNR of 0 dB in a 400 Hz noise bandwidth?
D. -148 dBm
E4C07 (B)
What does the MDS of a receiver represent?
B. The minimum discernible signal
E4C08 (C)
An SDR receiver is overloaded when input signals exceed what level?
C. The maximum count value of the analog-to-digital converter
E4C09 (C)
Which of the following choices is a good reason for selecting a high frequency for the design of the IF in a conventional HF or VHF communications receiver?
C. Easier for front-end circuitry to eliminate image responses
E4C10 (B)
Which of the following is a desirable amount of selectivity for an amateur RTTY HF receiver?
B. 300 Hz
E4C11 (B)
Which of the following is a desirable amount of selectivity for an amateur SSB phone receiver?
B. 2.4 kHz
E4C12 (D)
What is an undesirable effect of using too wide a filter bandwidth in the IF section of a receiver?
D. Undesired signals may be heard
E4C13 (C)
How does a narrow-band roofing filter affect receiver performance?
C. It improves dynamic range by attenuating strong signals near the receive frequency
E4C14 (D)
What transmit frequency might generate an image response signal in a receiver tuned to 14.300 MHz and which uses a 455 kHz IF frequency?
D. 15.210 MHz
E4C15 (D)
What is usually the primary source of noise that is heard from an HF receiver with an antenna connected?
D. Atmospheric noise
E4C16 (A)
Which of the following is caused by missing codes in an SDR receiver’s analog-to-digital converter?
A. Distortion
E4C17 (D)
Which of the following has the largest effect on an SDR receiver’s linearity?
D. Analog-to-digital converter sample width in bits
E4D01 (A)
What is meant by the blocking dynamic range of a receiver?
A. The difference in dB between the noise floor and the level of an incoming signal which will cause 1 dB of gain compression
E4D02 (A)
Which of the following describes two problems caused by poor dynamic range in a communications receiver?
A. Cross-modulation of the desired signal and desensitization from strong adjacent signals
E4D03 (B)
How can intermodulation interference between two repeaters occur?
B. When the repeaters are in close proximity and the signals mix in the final amplifier of one or both transmitters
E4D04 (B)
Which of the following may reduce or eliminate intermodulation interference in a repeater caused by another transmitter operating in close proximity?
B. A properly terminated circulator at the output of the transmitter
E4D05 (A)
What transmitter frequencies would cause an intermodulation-product signal in a receiver tuned to 146.70 MHz when a nearby station transmits on 146.52 MHz?
A. 146.34 MHz and 146.61 MHz
E4D06 (D)
What is the term for unwanted signals generated by the mixing of two or more signals?
D. Intermodulation interference
E4D07 (D)
Which describes the most significant effect of an off-frequency signal when it is causing cross-modulation interference to a desired signal?
D. The off-frequency unwanted signal is heard in addition to the desired signal
E4D08 (C)
What causes intermodulation in an electronic circuit?
C. To increase rejection of unwanted signals
E4D10 (C)
What does a third-order intercept level of 40 dBm mean with respect to receiver performance?
C. A pair of 40 dBm signals will theoretically generate a third-order intermodulation product with the same level as the input signals
E4D11 (A)
Why are third-order intermodulation products created within a receiver of particular interest compared to other products?
A. The third-order product of two signals which are in the band of interest is also likely to be within the band
E4D12 (A)
What is the term for the reduction in receiver sensitivity caused by a strong signal near the received frequency?
A. Desensitization
E4D13 (B)
Which of the following can cause receiver desensitization?
B. Strong adjacent channel signals
E4D14 (A)
Which of the following is a way to reduce the likelihood of receiver desensitization?
A. Decrease the RF bandwidth of the receiver
E4E01 (A)
Which of the following types of receiver noise can often be reduced by use of a receiver noise blanker?
A. Ignition noise
E4E02 (D)
Which of the following types of receiver noise can often be reduced with a DSP noise filter?
A. Broadband white noise
B. Ignition noise
C. Power line noise
D. All of these choices are correct
E4E03 (B)
Which of the following signals might a receiver noise blanker be able to remove from desired signals?
B. Signals which appear across a wide bandwidth
E4E04 (D)
How can conducted and radiated noise caused by an automobile alternator be suppressed?
D. By connecting the radio’s power leads directly to the battery and by installing coaxial capacitors in line with the alternator leads
E4E05 (B)
How can noise from an electric motor be suppressed?
B. By installing a brute-force AC-line filter in series with the motor leads
E4E06 (B)
What is a major cause of atmospheric static?
B. Thunderstorms
E4E07 (C)
How can you determine if line noise interference is being generated within your home?
C. By turning off the AC power line main circuit breaker and listening on a battery operated radio
E4E08 (A)
What type of signal is picked up by electrical wiring near a radio antenna?
A. A common-mode signal at the frequency of the radio transmitter
E4E09 (C)
What undesirable effect can occur when using an IF noise blanker?
C. Nearby signals may appear to be excessively wide even if they meet emission standards
E4E10 (D)
What is a common characteristic of interference caused by a touch controlled electrical device?
A. The interfering signal sounds like AC hum on an AM receiver or a carrier modulated by 60 Hz hum on a SSB or CW receiver
B. The interfering signal may drift slowly across the HF spectrum
C. The interfering signal can be several kHz in width and usually repeats at regular intervals across a HF band
D. All of these choices are correct
E4E11 (B)
Which is the most likely cause if you are hearing combinations of local AM broadcast signals within one or more of the MF or HF ham bands?
B. Nearby corroded metal joints are mixing and re-radiating the broadcast signals
E4E12 (A)
What is one disadvantage of using some types of automatic DSP notch-filters when attempting to copy CW signals?
A. A DSP filter can remove the desired signal at the same time as it removes interfering signals
E4E13 (D)
What might be the cause of a loud roaring or buzzing AC line interference that comes and goes at intervals?
A. Arcing contacts in a thermostatically controlled device
B. A defective doorbell or doorbell transformer inside a nearby residence
C. A malfunctioning illuminated advertising display
D. All of these choices are correct
E4E14 (C)
What is one type of electrical interference that might be caused by the operation of a nearby personal computer?
C. The appearance of unstable modulated or unmodulated signals at specific frequencies
E4E15 (B)
Which of the following can cause shielded cables to radiate or receive interference?
B. Common mode currents on the shield and conductors
E4E16 (B)
What current flows equally on all conductors of an unshielded multi-conductor cable?
B. Common-mode current