E175 Memory Items (Limitations) Flashcards
Maximum Landing Weight (MLW)
Minimum Battery Temperature
Maximum Altitude for Flap Extension
20,000 ft
Landing Gear Operation/Extended Speed (VLO and VLE)
VLO for retraction - 250 KIAS
VLO for extension - 250 KIAS
VLE - 250 KIAS
Maximum speed to open the direct vision window
160 KIAS
Turbulent air penetration target speed below 10,000 ft
Turbulent air penetration target speed at or above 10,000 ft
MAX 270 KIAS/0.76M, whichever is lower
Maximum Flap Extended Speed (VFE) - Flaps 1
230 KIAS
Maximum Flap Extended Speed (VFE) - Flaps 2
215 KIAS
Maximum Flap Extended Speed (VFE) - Flaps 3
200 KIAS
Maximum Flap Extended Speed (VFE) - Flaps 4
180 KIAS
Maximum Flap Extended Speed (VFE) - Flaps 5
180 KIAS
Maximum Flap Extended Speed (VFE) - Flaps Full
165 KIAS
Maximum Tire Ground Speed
195 KIAS
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Tailwind Component
15 kts
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Crosswind Component - Dry Runway
38 kts
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Crosswind Component - Wet Runway
31 kts
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Crosswind Component - Runway with Standing Water/Slush/Wet Snow/Dry Snow
18 kts
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Crosswind Component - Runway with Ice (including Wet Ice)
12 kts
Maximum N1 with brakes applied
Maximum permitted imbalance between fuel tanks
794 lbs
Minimum fuel tank temperature
-37 degrees C
Crossfeed Selector Knob must be set ________ during takeoff and landing
APU Altitude Limits - Start
30,000 ft
APU Altitude Limits - Electrical Gen
33,000 ft
APU Altitude Limits - Bleed Air
15,000 ft
APU Altitude Limits - Air Start Assist
21,000 ft
APU Starter Limits: Cooling period after each starting attempt - 1st and 2nd attempts
60 sec OFF
APU Starter Limits: Cooling period after each starting attempt - 3rd attempt
5 min OFF
Minimum Oil Temperature for Engine Start
-40 degrees C
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Crosswind Component - Runway with Compacted Snow
20 kts
Maximum Differential Pressure
8.4 psi
Maximum Differential Overpressure
8.8 psi
Maximum Differential Negative Pressure
-0.5 psi
Maximum Differential Pressure for Takeoff and Landing
0.2 psi
Windshield Wiper Operation
250 KIAS
Autopilot Minimum Engagement Height
400 ft
Autopilot Minimum Use Height
50 ft
NTSB Report
- NATURE of the emergency
- TYPE of cabin preparation and TIME available
- SPECIAL instructions
- BRACING signal to be used
- REPORT back when cabin preparations are complete
Flight Deck Emergency Equipment
- Fire extinguisher
- Crash axe
- Life vests
- Escape ropes
- Flash lights
Required Aircraft Documents
- Normal checklist/IAC
- Airworthiness certificate
- Radio station certificate
- FMS manual
Autoland Maximum Headwind Component Speed
25 kts
Autoland Maximum Crosswind Component Speed
15 kts
Autoland Maximum Tailwind Component Speed
10 kts
Autoland Landing Flaps
Flaps 5
Starter Dry Motoring Duty Limits
1st motoring - 90 seconds on, 5 minute cooldown
2nd-5th motoring - 30 seconds on, 5 minute cooldown
(After 15 minute cooldown, the sequence can be restarted.)
Starter Duty Cycle Limits
1st and 2nd attempts
- on ground: 90 seconds on, 10 seconds off
- in flight: 120 seconds on, 10 seconds off
3rd through 5th attempts
- on ground: 90 seconds on, 5 minutes off
- in flight: 120 seconds on, 5 minutes off