E - Provisional Government Flashcards
Why did the 1917 Revolution break out?
rationing -> food cues -> food shortages, impact of WW2 -> blaming Nicholas and food shortages, existence of the Dumas = replacement available
What is the Provisional Government in simple terms?
formed during the February Revolution, made up of previously Duma members - seen as followers of the tsar. seen as illegitemate.
What were the members of the Prov. Gov like?
most came from the upper classes/landowners, members of different parties
What are some examples of the eight principles?
immediate freedom of speech, immediate amnesty, immediate abolition of religious, national or social privileges
What was the effect of the eight principles?
promoted national unity through freedom and attempting to please multiple groups of people. however it gave opposition many outlets to dissent as well as removing ways for the gov to control the public
What were the main issues facing the government?
debates about territorial vs defensive war, war in general, land for peasants immediately vs land redistribution through a system, national minorities, economy, social reform
Who were the members of the Soviet?
representation of soldiers and workers that helped achieve 1917 revolution + socialist intellectuals
How was the Soviet formed?
idea from the Mensheviks in order to legitimise the Prov Gov
What powers did the Soviet vs Prov Gov have?
the Prov Gov had de jure power due to the legal power they had, whereas the Soviet had de facto powers as they had control of factories, railways, army and communication
How did the Soviet help the Prov Gov?
gave them more legitimacy and allowed them to have more real authority
What was the significance of Order N1?
gave soldiers representation and control of their weapons, showcased the power of the Soviet, meant that PG had to get approval from the Soviet
Summarise the war as a problem for the PG.
Milynokov wanted territorial gains -> opposed by the socialists in the Soviet. Menshevik and SR association with the war, credibility of Kerensky flopped after failure of June Offensive, little choice but to continue the war due to dependence on the West
Summarise the land as a problem for the PG?
peasants wanted their land, PG needed constituent assembly and a framework of law, and so told peasants to essentially wait -> 237 cases of land seizures in July = resistance from peasants
Summarise the national minority as a problem for the PG?
Poland and Finland wanted independence and Ukraine wanted Self-governanceL animosity grew and socialists and liberals were divided
Summarise the economy as a problem for the PG?
food shortages, unemployment, high prices -> downward spiral
poor 1917 harvest + worker strikes
antagonism and hostility
What did Lenin address in his Speech at the Finland station?
worldwide socialist revolution, immediate end to the war, end to co-operation with PG, Soviet take over, land to peasants
What were some points from the April theses?
opposition to the war and Prov. Gov, rejection of parliamentary democracy and calling for a Soviet democracy, assertion of a socialist revolution
Why did the April theses face opposition?
due to the different factions of the Bolsheviks: right, left, centre, belief of a quick radicalisation
What was the Kerensky offensive? (June offensive)
army was defeated and lost 400K men, Prince Lvov resigned and Kerensky takes over the government
What were the causes of the July days?
inflation, lack of employment, news of the failure of the south-western offensive started protests
What happened during the July days?
mutiny of Kronstadt sailors, protest of workers and soldiers who fought in the July days, demanded to overthrow the PG
What were the consequences of the July days?
weakened the Bolshevik party due to them being blamed -> suggested that Bolshevik overtake wasn’t inevitable (Lenin -> Finland, other Bolsheviks imprisoned), PG put down demonstrations
What was the Kornilov affair?
General Kornilov took to Petrograd (Kerensky intended him to restore order), but he attempted to seize control of the gov - pre-revolution times, Bolsheviks came to the rescue and Kornilov’s troops were halted by train workers
What were the consequences of the Kornilov affair?
Kerensky’s reputation was damaged -> blamed by both the Right and the Left, Bolsheviks gained popularity as the protectors of the revolution while Mensheviks and SRs were discredited
Why was a Bolshevik seizure of power in March-July unlikely?
unable to attract mass support, soviet dominated by SR & Mensheviks, support due to dissatisfaction, but turning point of Kornilov Affair
What happened on the night of 24th-26th of October?
- Kerensky closed two Bolshevik news papers announcing his intention of acting against the party.
- red guard, sailors and garrison soldiers were sent to seize key points of the city (railway stations, power stations, bridges)
- Bolshevik soldiers entered the palace and at 2am arrested what remained of the government
- ARCS met, main socialist stormed the hall, only SRs remained
- Lenin arrived and announced the formation of a Bolshevik government
Evidence for the interpretation of the October Revolution as a popular revolt?
no real opposition/resistance, mirrored the beliefs of the public, won majority of the city votes, widespread discontent and anger at PG
Evidence for the interpretation of the October Revolution as a military coup?
limited public participation, meticulously planned and executed, results of the Constituent Assembly, the use of force, promises that the people wanted didn’t get accomplished
Reasons for Bolshevik success during the October Revolution?
-> War: failure of June offensive + economic collapse
-> PG: interim government, Kornilov affairs, fear of doing anything due to lack of legitimacy which led to discontent
-> Lenin/Bolsheviks: took advantage of the lack of tradition of party politics in Russia, general radicalisation