E-FAR-NotForProfit(Nongovernmental) Flashcards
FASB ASC 958 indicates that “a complete set of financial statements of not-for-profit organization shall include
1 statement of financial position as of the end of the reporting period,
2 a statement of activities and
3 a statement of cash flows for the reporting period, and
4 accompanying notes to financial statements.
FASB ASC 958 establishes standards for general-purpose external financial statements. This statement focuses on
the basic information of the organization as a whole so as to enhance the relevance, understandability, and comparability of the financial statements by the external users. Thus, the overall objective is the enhancement of the basic information.
a statement of financial position for a nongovernmental nonprofit entity should report net assets according to whether the net assets are:
temporarily restricted, or
permanently restricted.
a statement of functional expenses is required for
voluntary health and welfare organizations. Other private nonprofit organizations are encouraged to disclose this information, but they are not required to do so.
A Statement of Activities reports revenues, expenses, gains, losses, and reclassifications. Resources are divided into three classes: unrestricted, temporarily restricted, and permanently restricted.
Separate revenues, expenses, gains, losses, and reclassifications for each class may or may not be reported, but the Change in net assets for each class must be reported.
Net assets under the control of the governing board of NFP are reported as
unrestricted net assets.
A contribution from a resource provider is reported as contribution revenue if
(1) the recipient organization is granted variance power by the resource provider OR
(2) the recipient organization and the beneficiary are financially interrelated organizations.
When a resource provider transfers assets to a nonprofit entity and (1) DOES NOT grant the recipient organization variance power and (2) the recipient organization and the beneficiaries are NOT financially interrelated, the recipient entity should record
an increase in assets and liabilities as a result of the donation.
Donations of services are recognized on the statement of activities if either of the following conditions are met:
(1) the services create or enhance a nonfinancial asset, OR (2) the services require specialized skills, are provided by individuals possessing those skills, and would typically need to be purchased if not provided by donation.
Functional classifications should be based functions.
on full cost allocations. Health care organizations may report depreciation, interest, and bad debts along with
Unrealized gains on investments which are permanently restricted as to use by donors are reported by a private, nonprofit hospital on the
Statement of changes in net assets
According to GASB 35, public colleges and universities that choose to report only business-type activities should present only the financial statements required
for enterprise funds.
The Statement of Activities has four principal sections:
1 Revenues and Gains,
2 Net Assets Released from Restrictions,
3 Expenses and Losses, and
4 Change in Net Assets
Net Assets Released from Restrictions reduces
and increases
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
Unrestricted Net Assets
Exchange revenues (fees, dues, charges for services, etc.) can only be reported under
Unrestricted Net Assets by not-for-profit organizations.