Dysrhythmias Flashcards
What are escape beats and rhythms?
Dysrhythmias caused by extra beats generated by other pacemakers in the heart (e.g. AVN).
What are premature beats and extrasystole?
- If other tissues in the heart depolarise faster than the SAN, an ectopic focus is formed, resulting in ectopic beats.
- If the focus is above the ring of insulating tissue in the heart, depolarisation resets SAN, which starts normal pacemaker activity again.
- If ectopic focus below insulating tissue, atria may contract independent of ventricles.
What is ectopic tachycardia?
Sequence of 3 or more ectopic beats.
What are the types of supraventricular tachycardias?
- Atrial paroxysmal tachycardia: Ectopic pacemaker gives rise to episodes of tachycardia (100-180 bpm).
- Atrial flutter: Ectopic pacemaker gives rise to atrial beating of 250-350 bpm heart rate, with only around half of these being converted to ventricular beats.
What is atrial fibrillation?
Uncontrolled atrial beating at 500-600 bpm, with only impulses occasionally being converted to ventricular beats.
What is ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia?
Ectopic pacemaker in ventricles cause abnormally fast rate of ventricular beating, independent of atria, which is especially problematic if ventricular beating exceeds atrial beating, resulting in insufficient cardiac output.
What is ventricular fibrillation?
Uncontrolled ventricular beating, resulting in ventricles ‘quivering’ instead of pumping blood, causing severely reduced cardiac output and death if untreated.
Why do class I anti-dysrhythmics only affect myocardium and not pacemaker tissue?
Navs are absent in pacemaker tissue
What are the subgroups of type I anti-dysrhythmics?
- Class IA: Intermediate associating/dissociating
- Class IB: Fast associating/dissociating
- Class IC: Slow associating/dissociating
What are the binding properties of type IB anti-dysrhythmics?
- Class IB drugs (e.g. lidocaine) associate when the heart is depolarising (i.e. phase 0) as it has a very high affinity for activated NaVs. It is also associated during refractory period (phase 2,3) as it has even higher affinity for inactivated channels.
- During diastole, it dissociates quickly from the channels between APs as it has very low affinity for channels in resting state.

What are the effects of class IB anti-dysrhythmics?
The drug prevents premature AP from firing during refractory period (as it is still associated and inhibits AP Na+ current), but has little effect on the duration of APs or the cardiac rhythm.
What are the affinities of class IB drugs for different states of class IB drugs?
- Resting: Very low
- Activated: Very high
- Inactivated: Very high (higher than activated)
Dissociation time: Fast
What are the clinical uses of class IB drugs?
Treatment of ventricular dysrhythmias
What are the binding properties of type IC anti-dysrhythmics?
- They associate when the heart is depolarising as they have high affinity for activated NaVs.
- However, because of their slow dissociation time, they remain bound to the NaVs throughout the whole of the cardiac cycle.

What are the affinities of class IC drugs for different states of class IC drugs?
- Resting: None
- Activated: High
- Inactivated: None
Dissociation time: Very slow
What are the clinical uses of class IC anti-dysrhythmics?
- Prevent paroxismal atrial fibrillation
- Recurrent tachycardias (e.g. in Wolff-Parkinson- White syndrome)
What are the binding properties of type IA anti-dysrhythmics?
Class IA drugs also associate when the heart is depolarising, and has a dissociating time between that of IB and IC. However, they still remain bound throughout the whole of the AP cycle, and so increase the duration of APs.

What are the affinities of class IA drugs for different states of Navs and their dissociation time?
- Resting: None
- Activated: High
- Inactivated: None
Dissociation time: Slow
What are the clinical uses of class IA anti-dysrhythmics?
- Treat ventricular dysrhythmias
- Prevent recurrent paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
Why are class II anti-dysrhythmics (β-blockers) effective at treating dysrhythmias?
- Adrenaline can have dysrhythmic effects by altering pacemaker current.
- Sympathetic over-activity may be a cause of ventricular dysrhythmias post-MI.
- Inhibition of sympathetic activity may inhibit conduction through AV node and thus prevent certain dysrhythmias (e.g. SVTs).
What are the clinical uses of class II anti-dysrhythmics?
- Prevent development of dysrhythmias post MI
- To prevent recurrent tachyarrhythmias (e.g. recurrent paroxysmal atrial fibrillation)
What are the mechanisms of action of class III anti-dysrhythmics?
- Outward current inhibition: Inhibits K+ channels and thus lengthens AP by slowing down rate of repolarisation. This increases the length of refractory period and prevents premature beats.
Inward current inhibition: Inhibits Na+ channels (as well as perhaps Ca2+ channels). This suppresses excitability of cardiac tissue (depend on INa and ICa for depolarisation).
What are the functions of drugs involved myocardial salvage?
These drugs don’t directly have anti-dysrhythmic effects, but maximise the amount of myocardium saved post-MI. This indirectly minimises risk of dysrhythmias.
What are anti-dysrhythmics outside the Vaughan William classification?
- Adenosine: Causes opening of K+ channels (through action of A1 receptors and cAMP), leading to hyperpolarisation of pacemaker and conductive tissue.
- Cardiac glycosides (e.g. digoxin): Central action causes increased vagal activity, causing decreased heart rate and conduction through AV node.
- If inhibitors: Decreases pacemaker rhythm and thus heart rate.
What is the mechanism of action of nifedipine in myocardial salvage?
- During myocaridal ischaemia, levels of ATP decrease, causing decreased activity of Na+/K+-ATPase, NCX and PMCA, resulting in ↑[Na+]i and ↑[Ca2+]i.
- When tissue re-oxygenated, ↑[Ca2+]i contributes to ischaemic-reperfusion injury.
- Nifedipine decreases levels of Ca2+ during ischaemia and reduces effects of IRI.