Dysplasia/Cervical Cancer Flashcards
Mx of HPV16/18/HSIL
- HPV cause CIN - precursor to SCC
- untreated CIN progress to cervical ca
- e.g. CIN3 30% reg 30% progress
- HPV16/18 = 90% of cervical ca
- Follow-up depends on bx
- LLETZ to confirm/treat - explain
- Address STI/Vax/smoke
Mx of LSIL
Scenario 1 - 28yo P0 previous CIN3 + LLETZ, rpt CST -> LSIL
- Risk of progression to SCC low
- Colp +/- Bx
- LSIL or less -> repeat CST in 12/12
- Manage according to CC guideline
- address STI/Vax/smoke/comorbidity
Mx of CIN in preg
- risk of progression to SCC low
- colp to exclude overt malignancy
- defer sampling/rx in preg
- only sample if suspect invasive d
- F/U 3mo PP w E if BF for colp+CST
Mx of AIS
- cone bx to confirm
- risk = HPV - AIS - cervical adeno
- ref Tert - dysplasia MDT…
- mx depends on fertility
- if opt for fertility
1. cyto surveillance - 6mo Colp
2. conceive asap - if not fertility -> hysterectomy
- annual co-test on vault for life
cone indication - Histo confirmed AIS, or Histo confirmed CIN3 with T3 TZ
Mx of abn glandular cells on smear
- pelvic USS
- +/- Pipelle
- Colp+Bx+HDC
Counsel re: risks for LLETZ + Cone
Surgical risks & Preg implications
- infection/pain/bleeding
- risk of transfus/hysterectomy w cone
- cervical insuff - future preg imp (PTB)
- cervical stenosis
- repeat treatment - +’ve margin
- increased risk if any of the following
& need cervical surveillance if
1. >1 LLETZ
2. T3 excision
3. twins
4. short preg interval
CONE PTB risks
- increase risk of PTB 4-5% <34/40
- need cervical surveillance
Mx of intra-op bleeding
Scenario 1 - LLETZ w sig bleeding
- risk of decompensation
- emergency
- inform team
- call for help
- simul resus/stabilize/rx
- MDI - gyn/ano +/- GONC
- Resus - Fluid/Txa/IDC
- FBE/UEC/LFT/Coag/G&S-x-match
- identify/pressure/pack till help arrives
1. Ligate bleeding vessels (3 & 9 o’clock)
2. Hemostatic agent
3. Laparotomy (ligation ant div of UtA)
4. Embolisation
5. Hysterectomy
- HDU admission
- repeat Hb +/- PRBC +/- iron infusion
- debrief/document - cx/mx/f/u
+/- rebook procedure if incomplete
- m&m/audit
Mx of postop complications
Scenario 1 - 2/52 post cone bx p/w heavy bleeding
- infection endometritis/cervicitis
- arterial/venous bleeding
- menstruation
Immediate mx
- risk of sepsis/anemia/decompensat
- emergency
- call for help
- simultaneous resus/stabilise/rx
- ABC - O2/IVC - bloods includ x-match
- identify - Monsel/Silver/Pack
- Txa + Broad abx
- inform con/ano/OT
- consent for EUA/cauterization +/- laparotomy +/- embolization
(risk of hysterectomy)
- senior +/- GONC
- lithotomy, good lighting, suction
- diathermy to cervix +/- suture
- fluid resus
- correct coagulopathy
+/- laparotomy +/- hysterectomy
- anemia mx
- debrief/document
- M&M/Audit
Mx of stage I cervical ca
Scenario 25yo P0, small invasive ca on LLETZ
- Risks of untreated ca progression
- Risks of treatment - fertility/preg imp
Pre-MDT ix
- FBE/UEC/LFT (anaemia/renal dysfunc)
- Renal tract USS (PSW involvement)
- MRI of pelvis (loco-regional disease)
- CXR/CTCAP (metastatic disease)
- Refer to Tertiary GONC unit
- MDT rv of ix/plan for mx
- likely need surgery - cone vs trachelect
- GONC F/U postop
- Cervical surveillance in future preg
PTB rate
- cone up to 5%
- trachelectomy up to 40%