Dysmenorrhea/Endometriosis Flashcards
Initial mx of dysmenorrhea
Scenario 1 - adolescent, painful periods
Scenario 2 - 12yo, painful periods since menarche @9yo
Scenario 3 - 16yo, menarche since 13yo, painful periods, FHx of Endo
Scenario 4 - 13yo, painful periods worsening since menarche @12yo
- Endometriosis
- Congenital anomalies
1. imperforate hymen
2. transverse septum
3. bicornuate ut with non-communicating horn
4. didelphys + septum
- risk of undiagnosed PID/infertility
- risk of psychosocial
- MSU/STI screen/COGU pelvic USS
+/- renal tract USS - trial of COCP + NSAID
- chase investigation
- F/U in 3/12 -> refractory -> PAG -> diagnostic lap +/- rx
Definitive mx of MD anomaly
Scenario 1 - incidental finding on diagnostic laparoscopy - bicornuate uterus with non-communicating horn
Scenario 2 - uterine didelphys on pelvic USS
- risk to health/fertility - endo/adhesion
- M risk - ectopic/rupture/CS
- F risk - MC/FGR/malpresentation
- MRI +/- renal tract USS
- Refer to PAG @ Tertiar
- R/O non-com horn or hemi-hyster
- Postop F/U, resolution of sx
Mx of endometriosis
Scenario 1 - adolescent, painful periods - incidental finding on lap
Scenario 2 - 12yo, painful periods since menarche @9yo - incidental finding on lap
- risk to fertility - transport factor
- risk to pain/psychosocial
- MDI-Gyn/PT/Psych/Pain
- medical vs surgical
- medical - hormonal suppression
- surgical - improve pain/conception
- 30% recurrence w optimal excision
- ? evidence for early rx & LT benefits
- ongoing rx depends on sx & fertility
Mx of rectovaginal endo nodule
- risk of persistent sx vs stoma
- further imaging - MRI +/- Colonoscopy
- refer tert - expertise
- MDT - with CR involvement
- Consent include temp colostomy
- Bowel prep pre-op
Mx of post-endo surgery pain
Scenario 1 - pt p/w ongoing neuropathic pain & dyspareunia post lap rx of endo + mirena insertion
Scenario 2 - post rectovaginal excision of severe endo, returns with LIF pain 6/12 post-surgery
1. bowel injury/collection (if recent)
2. new lesion (if no hormone suppress)
3. central/peripheral sensitization
- risk of sepsis/decompensation
- exclude intra-abdo infection
- Admit/NBM/IVT pending Ix
- MDI - Gyn/PT/Pain/Psych
- exclude acute cause
- advise multi-modal mx
- advise hormonal suppression