Dysphagia Flashcards
Important Hx questions for presenting complaint in dysphagia
How did it start?
When did it start
Has it changed over time? Got worse or better?
Is it intermittent or do you always have trouble when eating/drinking?
Solids or liquids?
Where does the food/liquid feel like it is getting stuck?
Do you have trouble initiating a swallow? →oropharyngeal cause
Do you need tu turn your head or change position to swallow? →oropharyngeal
Alleviating/ exacerbating factors
Previous episodes like that?
Do you choke or cough after you swallow?
Does food ever come back up your nose?
Weight loss
Acidic taste in the mouth when you wake up?
INFECTION: Pain, recent infections, fever
PMHx pointing to a cause for dysphagia
PMHx GORD Thyroid Stroke ENT = problems with throat, surgeries Heart problems - mitral stenosis Neuro
Pill-oesophagitis (corrosive to the oesophagus): doxycycline, iron sulphate, bisphosphonates, NSAIDS
SHx in dysphagia?
How have things been in your life generally over recent months? Do you have any particular stresses or worries in your life at the moment? (somatisation)
Types of dysphagia
ddx for oropharyngeal
Stroke is the most common Pharyngitis Oesophageal candidiasis Oropharyngeal carcinoma Thyromegaly (goitre) Cervical lymphadenopathy
NEURO § Parkinson's disease § Multiple sclerosis § Myasthenia gravis § Sjogren's syndrome (dry mouth+eyes)
oesophageal dysphagia DDx
Peptic stricture
Oesophageal carcinoma - squamous cell ca, assoc w/ smoking, alcohol, reflux
Achalasia - loss of peristalsis in distal oesophagus, failure of lower sphincter relaxation. Both solids and liquids. Tx botulinum, endo or surgical dilatation
Diffuse oesophageal spasm → +intermittent chest pains MAY BE TRIGGERED BY HOT/COLD FOOD, relieved by GTN CCB
Systemic sclerosis → +/- delayed gastric emptying →vomiting
Scleroderma —- Raynaud’s Hx
Eosinophilic Oesophagitis → assoc with atopy and food allergies
Radiation injury → Fibrosis and stricturing
Extrinsic comporession
LA enlargement in MS
Thoracic aorta aneurysm
Mediastinal Lymphnodes
Oesophageal infection
Pill induced (bisphosphonates, doxycycline)
Hiatal hernia
Features of oropharyngeal dysphagia
Difficulty initiating swallowing Associated nasal regurgitation Assocaited coughinh, choking Worse with LIQUIDS than solids Hx of aspiration pneumonia Hx of neurological disease, stroke Associated with neuro Sx: dysarthria, weakness
Feartures of oesophageal dysphagia
No difficulty in initiation but food stick soon after swallowing
Worse with SOLIDS
May be associated with reflux and dyspepsia
May be progressive
May be associated with ALARM Symptoms
Hearburn - acid reflux predisposes to…
oesophagitis, oesophageal strictures, oesophageal adenocarcinoma
Older age, male sex, heartburn or weight loss suggests…
mechanical (obstructive) cause.
Rapid progression suggests…
Intermittent, non-progressive symptoms suggest
oesophageal web or ring