DynamoDB Flashcards
DynamoDB Max size of an item is…
Mode that needs to have capacity planned beforehand
Mode that has read/writes auto scale up/down with workloads
Write Capacity Units equation
Items per second * (item size/1KB) = WCUs
Write 6 items per second with item size 4.5KB equals how many WCUs
30 WCUs
Write 120 items per minute with item size 2 KB equals how many WCUs
4 WCUs
If you read just after a write, it’s possible to get some stale data because of
Eventually Consistent Read
If you read just after a write, you get the correct data
Strongly Consistent Read
Default Consistent Read mode
Read Capacity Units equation - SCR
Reads per second * (item size/4KB)
SCR 10 per second with item size of 6KB equals how many RCUs?
20 RCUs
ECR 16 per second with item size of 12KB equals how many RCUs
24 RCUs
Error “ProvisionedThroughputExceededException” happens because of
Hot Keys can cause
Hot Partitions can cause
Very large items can cause