Dx studies, Abnormalities, Renal Failure, Kidney Transplant Flashcards
How long are the female and male urethras?
1) Female - 2 inches
2) Male - 8 to 10 inches
What is the normal output per day for the bladder?
Define Anuria
24 Hr urine output < 100mL
Define Dysuria
Painful or difficult urination
Define Nocturia
Frequent urination at night
Define Stress Incontinence
Urination with pressure
Define Oliguria
Diminished urine output (100-400mL/24Hrs
Define Polyuria
Large urine output ( > 3 L/day)
What are the 4 characteristics of a Urinalysis?
1) First study done to obtain baseline information
2) Routine - collected anytime of day but best in AM
3) Examined within 1hr of collection or refrigerated
4) Wash perineal area if soiled
What is the method used to collect a Urine Culture and Sensitivity specimen?
Clean catch midstream using a sterile container
Which 7 things does a 24 Hr Composite urine collection test for?
1) Electrolytes
2) Glucose
3) Protein
4) 17-Ketosteroids
5) Creatinine
6) Catecholamines
7) Minerals
What is Creatinine?
Creatinine is a waste product of protein from muscle breakdown
What are the 6 characteristics of a 24 Hr Creatinine Clearance specimen collection?
1) Most accurate test of renal function
2) Resembles GFR
3) 24hr collection (discard 1st specimen, keep last void at 24 hr mark)
4) Blood serum level drawn at the same time
5) Creatinine clearance = Urine creatinine X Urine volume divided by Serum creatinine
6) Normal value = 85-135mL/min
What are the 3 characteristics of a Urine Concentration Test?
1) Evaluates renal concentration ability
2) Patient NPO at midnight
3) Collect 3 urine specimens at hourly intervals in mornig
What are the two ways to measure Residual Volume and what amount is a normal finding?
1) Residual volume can be monitored using a bladder scan or catheterize the patient immediately after voiding.
2) Normal Residual Volume = <50mL but increases with age.
what is the normal range for Creatinine?
0.5 to 1.5 mg/dL (higher in men)
what is the normal range of Uric Acid in men and women?
1) Women - 2.5 to 5.5 mg/dL
2) Men - 4.5 to 6.5 mg/dL
What is the normal range for Phosphorous?
2.8 to 4.5 mg/dL