Breast Cancer/Surgery & Female Reproductive System Flashcards
What is the definition of the following terms related Menstrual Disorders:
1) Amenorrhea
2) Dysmenorrhea
3) Menorhagia
4) Metrorrhagia
5) Premenstrual Syndrome
6) Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
1) Amenorrhea - Absence of menses
2) Dysmenorrhea - Painful menses
3) Menorhagia - Excessive menstrual bleeding
4) Metrorrhagia - Excessive & prolonged menstrual bleeding
5) Premenstrual Syndrome - PMS
6) Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder - Severe PMS
Oligomenorrhea Vs. Polymenorrhea
1) Oligomenorrhea - Menstrual cycle greater than 35 days
2) Polymenorrhea - Menstrual cycle less than 21 days
How does Candidiasis (VVC) differ from Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)?
VVC is a fungus and the discharge is generally thick, white and curd-like (cottage cheese-like) and is odorless.
BV is a bacterial infection with a gray discharge and fishy smell.
Define Dyschezia
Pain with defacation
What are the 2 greatest risk factors for Ovarian Cancer?
1) Family Hx of ovarian, breast or colon cancer
2) Hereditary nonpolypsis colorectal cancer
Which particular group of women have a really high risk for getting Ovarian Cancer?
Women who have never been pregnant
What are the 5 “other” risk factors for getting Ovarian Cancer?
1) ⬆ Age
2) High fat diet
3) ⬆ number of Ovulatory cycles
4) Hormone replacement therapy
5) Use of infertility drugs
Which 4 things decrease the risk for getting Ovarian Cancer?
1) Oral contraceptives
2) Breast feeding
3) Multiple pregnancies
4) Early age at first birth of child
Since no screening tests exist for ovarian cancer, how are patients checked?
Yearly bimanual examination
Which antigen is test for in patients screening for Ovarian cancer?
Cancer-antigen 125 (CA-125)
What is a Hysterectomy and which 3 different methods can be used to do it?
Hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus and cervix and it can be done vaginally, laparoscopically and abdominally.
What is a Radical Hysterectomy?
Includes hysterectomy, partial vaginectomy and dissection of the lymph nodes in the pelvis.
Why would you want to increase fiber in a patient who is post-op for a hysterectomy?
This facilitates BM and prevents straining
Besides a Family Hx, what are the 9 listed risk factors for Breast Cancer?
1) Hormonal regulation
2) Adulthood weight gain
3) Dietary fat intake
4) Obesity
5) Alcohol intake
6) Radiation exposure
7) Age > 50
8) Early menarche or late menopause
9) Full-term pregnancy > 30 years of age
Which 3 types of therapies are used for patients with Breast cancer?
1) Chemotherapy
2) Radiation Therapy
3) Hormone Therapy - By destroying ovaries or taking drugs to suppress estrogen
If palpable, what are the 6 characteristics of a Breast cancer lump?
1) Hard
2) Unilateral
3) Poorly delineated
4) Non-mobile
5) Irregularly shaped
6) Non-tender
Which 4 changes to the breast are related to Breast Cancer?
1) Nipple retraction
2) Breast dimpling
3) Orange peel (Peau d’ orange)
4) Clear or bloody nipple discharge
What two things can cause Lymphedema?
1) Lymph excision
2) Radiation of lymph nodes
Patients with Lymphedema may experience which 6 listed symptoms?
1) Heaviness
2) Pain
3) Impaired motor function in arm
4) Numbness
5) Paresthesia of the fingers
6) Cellulitis and progressive fibrosis