DVT post THR Flashcards
68 yr old M R lower leg pain and swelling over 2 days
3 wks post THR
difficult to move since operation because of poorly controlled pain
antalgic gait, red and swollen r lower leg, healing THR scar, no obvious redness or discharge from scar
tender warm calf
pitting oedema r lower leg
active and passive movement knee and ankle
full ROM but pain during movement
resisted movement knee and ankle
no pain reproduced
other ex`am findings
check mid-calf circumference on both lower limbs
affected side wider if DVT
ruptured Baker’s cyst
calf strain
why is DVT of lower limb likely?
3 wks post THR
acute onset pain and swelling lower leg
red warm tender pitting oedema more swollen than other leg
why is cellulitis unlikely?
no local wound/ sign of infection, no fever
need to FBC, ESR, CRP if any doubt
why is ruptured Baker’s cyst unlikely?
pain localised to medial/lateral joint line, a/w locking, popliteal mass visible and palpable on knee extension
why is calf strain unlikely?
no pain on resisted movement
Well’s score
Venous duplex U/S gold standrad
if DVT is present, bloods will show
FBC normal WCC
CRP raised [could be inflammation]
D-dimers sensitive but not specific
Tx when DVT is confirmed
LMWH Enoxaparin 1.5mg/kg/24 hrs subcutaneously once daily
warfarin as per INR for at least 3 months/ 6 months if no cause found or recurrent DVT or thrombophilia