DVD1 Flashcards
Please define a sentence fragment.
A sentence fragment is a group of words that doesn’t express a complete thought.
Please define a sentence
A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought.
A sentence fragment is often used in casual speaking, but is considered a _____________
In writing
Out to lunch ..
Maybe later.
In writing a sentence always begins with a ________ ________ which indicates the beginning of the sentence. Also, a sentence always ends with a __________ mark.
Capital letter
Punctuation mark
The most common punctuation mark is the _________ . Two other common punctuation marks are the ____________ mark and _____________ point
Period “.”
Question mark ?
Exclamation point !
Please name the four main types of sentences
Which type of sentence states a fact
The sun is shinning today.
An ____________ sentence asks a question
Do you have any plans for this afternoon.
What type of sentence expresses a strong emotion
What a beautiful day for a picnic!
An ____________ sentence makes a request or gives an order. It may end with a period or exclamation point.
Come with me!
REVIEW - Four main types of sentences.
Please list them from “most common to “ lest common”
Declarative - most common
Interrogative - common
Exclamatory - rare
Imperative - rare
“When will tomorrow mornings band rehearsal begin”
Is what type of the four main sentences
Interrogative and should end with a ?
“Always read the safety instructions before using a new power tool”
Is what type of the main four sentences.
Imperative sentence
It may end with a period or exclamation point - it all depends on strong feeling or emotion is being expressed. In this it doesn’t express either so it should end with a period “.”
“Having spent over two hours on her dance routine is a ______________ _____________
Sentence fragment
“The local wildlife refuge is home to over seventy species of birds” is a ______________ sentence as it states a fact.
“That was a fabulous party” is an ______________ sentence and should be marked with an __________ ____________
Exclamation point !
A sentence can be broken into two main parts.
They are?
The subject and the predicate.
The __________ of a sentence tells what the sentence is talking about and may only be one word long.
The most important word in the subject is the ____________ subject
The _____________ describes something that the subject is or does
The most important word in the predicate is the ____________
A word that expresses action or state of being in the predicate is the?
A verb expresses ________ or __________ of ________
Action or state of being
The predicate describes something that the subject _____ or ______
Is or does
“My younger sister Ingrid once worked as a costume designer”
Subject =
Simple subject =
Predicate =
Verb =
S = my younger sister Ingrid SS = Ingrid P = once worked as a etc V = worked
She enjoys creating with her hands
Subject =
Simple subject =
Predicate =
Verb =
S = she SS = she P = enjoys creating with her hands V = enjoys
Two or more things that work together as the subject and usually joined together by the word “and” or the word “or”. Is a ____________ ____________
Compound subject
The subject of the following sentence is known as a _____________ ____________
“Dogs and cats sometimes enjoy living together”
Compound subject
CS = dogs and cats P = sometimes enjoy living together V = enjoy
Two or more verbs that describe what the subject does, joined by the word “and” or the word “or”. Are known as?
Compound verb
Find the compound verb in the following sentence
“The giant tree bent and swayed in the wind”
S = the giant tree SS = tree P = bent and swayed in the wind CV = bent and swayed
A review - two main parts of a sentence
The subject: “who”or “what” the sentence is about
(Most important word) =
The predicate: what the subject “is” or “does”
(Most important word) =
Simple subject
“Fifty-three officers received medals at the Police Department awards ceremony.
Find the: Subject Simple subject Predicate Verb
S = fifty three officers SS = officers P = received medals etc V = received
“Bored with the grown-up conversation, little Amy fell asleep under the kitchen table.
Find the: Subject Simple subject Predicate Verb
S = bored with the adult conversation, little Amy SS = Amy P = fell asleep under the kitchen table V = fell
“The number of business in this county has increased every year for the past decade”
Find the: Subject: Simple subject Predicate Verb
S = the number of business in the county SS = number (most connected word to the predicate) P = has increased every year for the past decade V = has increased
“According to scientists, birds and dinosaurs are biologically related”
Please find: Subject Simple subject Predicate Verb
S = according to scientist birds and dinosaurs SS = birds and dinosaurs (compound subject) P = are biologically related V = are
“All day and all night unceasingly fell the rain
With this sentence the subject is at the end
S = the rain SS = rain p = all day and all night unceasingly fell V = fell
A clause is a group of words that “must”contain both a
_____________ and a ________
A clause that can stand alone as a sentence because it expresses a complete thought, is known as ?
Independent or main clause
“Europa is one of the moons of Jupiter”
This is an ______________ clause.
Please find the:
Subject and the
Independent clause
S = Europa V = is
A clause that can’t standalone as a sentence because it doesn’t express a complete thought is a
Subordinate clause
A subordinate clause usually begins with a?
Subordinating conjunction
Please name 7 subordinating conjunctions
If After Because Since Although When Until
What type of clause?
Also please define the word “because”
“Because Europa has oceans filled with water, like the earth.”
Subordinate clause
Subordinate conjunction = because
“However” in this case it also contains a subject and s verb:
S= Europa V= has
Please name the 4 types of sentence structures.
- Simple sentence
- Compound sentence
- Complex sentence
- Compound complex sentence
A sentence that consists of only one independent/main clause is a?
Simple sentence.
Life may exist on Europa.
Name the type of sentence structure.
Name the types of clause
Name the subject
Name the verb
Simple sentence containing an independent/main clause.
S = life V = may exist
A sentence that contains two or more independent clauses joined either by a comma and a coordinating conjunction, or by a semicolon?
Compound sentence
There are _ ways of connecting main clauses in a _____________ sentence.
Please Name the number of ways
- The use of a comma and Coordinating conjunction
- Semicolon.
Name the three most common coordinating conjunctions
Many astronomers believe in extraterrestrial life, but others disagree.
Name: Type of sentence The sentences The subjects The verbs The coordinating conjunction.
- Compound sentence
- Many (etc up to the comma) - then -
but others disagree - S = Astronomers and others
- V = believe and disagree
- CC = but
Many astronomers believe in extraterrestrial life; others disagree.
Name the type of sentence structure and how the clauses are connected
A sentence that contains an independent clause and one or more subordinate clauses?
Complex clause
“If extraterrestrial life is ever discovered, it will change human history.
Name the: Type of sentence The type of clauses The subjects The verbs
- Complex sentence
- IC = it will change human history
- SC = if extraterrestrial etc to comma
- S = life and it
- V = is discovered and will change
A sentence that contains _ or more main clauses and _ or more subordinate clauses, is known as a
Compound-complex sentence
A compound complex sentence must contain at least _ clauses.
“Although no sign of life on other worlds has yet been found, the search continues, and many predict success.
Name the: Sentence type The sentences The subjects The verbs
- Compound-complex sentence
- SC = although etc to comma
IC = the search continues
IC = and many predict success. - S = sign / search / many
- V = has been found / continues / predict
A sentence that includes two or more main clauses that are joined only by a comma or by nothing at all - is known as a ?
A run-on sentence
“Visit the city science museum, you’ll see some fascinating exhibits about outa space”
Name the: Type of sentence The sentences The subjects The verbs The sentence correction
- Run-on sentence
- 2 independent clauses - Visit (etc to ,)
You’ll (etc to period) - (Subject doesn’t appear as it’s an imperative clause that makes complete sense - “you” is implied) and you (you’ll - you will see)
- Visit and will see (you’ll see = you will see)
- And or semi colon (then making it a compound sentence)
“Jazz is the greatest American musical form, and duke Ellington is its greatest genius.”
Is what type of sentence.
A compound sentence
It contains 2 main clauses, which in turn each contain a subject and a verb
“Although young women want to participate in sports as much as young men, women’s sports often don’t receive equal funding from colleges.”
Name the type of sentence:
Complex subject.
Contains a subordinate clause and main clause
(S= woman , V = want)
(S= sports, v = don’t receive)
“The Tallest mountain in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro is the subject of a stunning new IMAX documentary film.”
Name the type of sentence:
Simple sentence ("The tallest mountain in Africa" - doesn't contain a verb ((clause must contain both a subject and a verb)) so this group of words just adds a little to the "single Main clause"
S = Mount Kilimanjaro V = is
“The author Mark Twain was fascinated by technology, he was the first writer ever to deliver a typed manuscript to his publisher,”
Name the type of sentence:
Run-on sentence. Which is incorrect.
It needs to be fix by either a coordinating conjunction or semi-colon.
Use a semi colon in this case.
“When I visited California last summer, I spent one week in San Francisco, and I visited the nearby Napa Valley with my cousin.”
Name the type of sentence:
Compound-complex sentence.
It contains 2 main clauses and 1 subordinate clause