Duty of Employers Flashcards
Duties of Employers
An employer shall ensure that, equipment ?
- equipment, materials and protective devices are provided
- are maintained in good condition
- measures and proceedures above are carried out in the workplace
- equipment, materials and protective devices are used as prescribed
Duties of Employer
An employer shall?
- provide information, instruction and supervision to a worker to protect the health or safety of the worker
- **when appointing a supervisor, appoint a competent person**
- afford assistance and co-operation to a committee and a health and safety representative in the carrying out by the committee and the health and safety representative of any of their functions
- take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of a worker
- post, in the workplace, a copy of this Act and any explanatory material prepared by the Ministry, both in English and the majority language of the workplace, outlining the rights, responsibilities and duties of workers
- prepare and review at least annually a written occupational health and safety policy and develop and maintain a program to implement that policy
- post at a conspicuous location in the workplace a copy of the occupational health and safety policy
- establish an occupational health service for workers as prescribed
- keep and maintain accurate records of the handling, storage, use and disposal of biological, chemical or physical agents as prescribed
- accurately keep and maintain and make available to the worker affected such records of the exposure of a worker to biological, chemical or physical agents as may be prescribed
- monitor at such time or times or at such interval or intervals the levels of biological, chemical or physical agents in a workplace and keep and post accurate records thereof as prescribed
- comply with a standard limiting the exposure of a worker to biological, chemical or physical agents as prescribed
- establish a medical surveillance program for the benefit of workers as prescribed
- provide for safety-related medical examinations and tests for workers as prescribed
- where so prescribed, provide a worker with written instructions as to the measures and procedures to be taken for the protection of a worker; and
- carry out such training programs for workers, supervisors and committee members as may be prescribed