Duties to Courts/Opposing Counsel Flashcards
Duty of Candor
Lawyer is required to present law, facts and evidence to the tribunal in truthful manner.
Stating the Law and Facts
Lawyer must not knowingly make false statement of fact, including correcting previous false statements, disclose facts in ex parte proceeding and must disclose harmful legal authority.
False Evidence in General
Lawyer must refuse to offer evidence they know is false.
- If lawyer doesn’t know but reaosnably believes it is false, rule becomes permissive.
- If lawyer has offered evidence and later discovers it is false, they must take remedial measures:
1. urge client to cooperate in withdrawal/correction
2. if unsuccessful, seek to withdraw or other measures to strike evidence
3. if all else fails, disclose situation to judge even if it breaches duty of confidentiality
CA: remedial measures must not involve breaching duty of confidentiality
False Evidence - Perjury by Criminal Defendant
Criminal D has a 5A right to testify and 6A right to effective assistance of counsel. If lawyer only reasonably believes D’s testimony is false, they have to let D testify.
But if lawyer knows testimony is false, lawyer must take remedial measures:
1. try to persuade client not tot testify/recant
2. consider withdrawal, and
3. if all else fails, reveal situation to judge
CA: lawyer may offer D’s testifmony if narrative form (for step 3)
Frivolous Claims and Defenses
Lawyer must not take position unless there is basis in law and fact for doing so (can make GF argument).
CA: also prohibits lawyer from acting without probable cause and for purpose of harassing
Preserving Impartiality/Decorum
Lawyer must not seek to influence judge, court official, juror or prospective juror by improper means.
CA: specifically prohibits giving anything of value
Lawyer must not communicate with juror except when authorized. After discharge of jury, lawyer may generally interview unless:
1. prohibited by law
2. juror has made known desire not to communicate or
3. communication involves misrepresentation, coercion, harassment.
Trial Counsel as Witness
Generally, lawyer must not act as advocate in trial in which lawyer is likely necessary witness. However, it is permitted if:
- testimony related to unconstested issue
- testimony relate solely to nature and value of legal services they have rendered or
- withdrawal would cause substantial hardship to client
Opponent’s Access to Evidence
Lawyer must not falsify evidence/assist in perjury. Lawyer must not unlawfully obstruct access to evidence or destroy/conceal anything having evidentiary value.
CA: specifically prohibits
1. supressing evidence that lawyer has legal obligation to produce
2. advising a person to hide or flee for purpose of making them unavailable as witness.
Advising Person Not to Give Information
Lawyer may advise person from givign info to opponent only if:
1. person is client, or client’s relative/agent, and
2. lawyer reasonably beleives person’s interests will not be harmed
CA: does not have this rule
Paying Witnesses
Lawyer must not offer inducement to witness that is prohibited by law, and it is generally improper to pay witness for testimony unless:
1. reasonable travel and incidental expenses
2. compensation for loss of time
3. reasonable fees to expert witnesses
Such payments must not be contingent on content of testimony or outcome
Duties of Prosecutors
Prosecutors must
- refrain from prosecuting without probable cause
- assure accused has been advised of right to counsel and given reasonable opportunity to obtain counsel
-not seek to obtain from unrepresented accused a waiver of important pretrial rights
- make timely disclosure to defense of exculpatory evidence
Trial Publicity
Lawyer must not make extrajudicial statement lawyer reasonably should know:
1. will be publicly disseminated and
2. will have substantial likelihood of materially prejudicing the case
Lawyer is permitted to publicly reply to protect client from prejudicial effect if not initiated by lawyer
Truthfulness in Statements to Others
- No false statements of material facts to third persons (puffery allowed)
- must disclose material facts to third person to avoid assisting client in crime/fraud (unless duty of confidentiality forbids - but lawyer might need to withdraw if assisting in crime/fraud)
Communicating with Represented Person
Lawyer must not communicate about subject of representation with person they know is represented unless:
1. counsel grants permission or
2. lawyer is otherwise authorized by law
CA: does not prohibit communication with public official
Rule also applies to represented ogranizations
Communication with Unrepresented Person
Lawyer may communicate directly about matter, however, communcations have restrictions:
1. lawyer must not imply they are disinterested
2. lawyer must correct any misunderstandings
3. if person’s interests conflict with clients, lawyer must not give any legal advice
Lawyer advertising is protected by 1A. However, lawyer must not make false or misleading statements.
A solicitation is a targeted communication initiated by the lawyer that is directed to specific person who needs legal services.
- Live person to person contact is generally prohibited (including Skype) where person is subject to direct personal encounter without time for reflection.
- another lawyer
- close relationship
- person who routinely uses for business purposes the type of legal services offered by lawyer (CA does not have this)