Duties of Members Flashcards
How should members forward all official communications to the Fire Chief?
a. Personally deliver them to the Fire Chief’s office
b. Use unofficial channels for faster communication
c. Through official channels
d. Ignore official communication protocols
What is the recommended procedure for a member who feels unfairly dealt with in any manner?
a. Confront the person directly involved
b. Seek external legal advice
c. Follow official channels to ensure fair treatment
d. Share concerns on social media platforms
How should members arrange interviews with the Fire Chief or Deputy Fire Chiefs?
a. Walk-in without an appointment
b. Send an email directly to them
c. Arrange through the respective Administrative Assistant
d. Call them directly
Where should members submit transfer requests for station, platoon, or divisional transfers?
a. Submit to the Fire Chief directly
b. Submit through official channels to the respective authorities
c. Submit to the District Chief only
d. Submit to the Telestaff system
When must members update Telestaff and the COB ‘Me Online’ website with changes in contact information?
a. Within 24 hours
b. Within 48 hours
c. Within 72 hours
d. Once a week
What action will be taken if a BFES member is found under the influence of intoxicants or drugs?
a. Verbal warning
b. Immediate suspension and/or dismissal
c. Written commendation
d. No action will be taken
Under what circumstances can members consume alcoholic beverages while wearing BFES uniform clothing?
a. Always allowed
b. Only during public events
c. Upon the prior approval of the Fire Chief
d. Never allowed
Where is smoking prohibited for BFES members?
a. Any public area
b. In their personal vehicles
c. On apparatus and in any BFES facilities
d. Only during emergencies
What is the process for recording workplace injuries and/or illnesses for immediate supervisors?
a. Report directly to Fire Administration
b. Complete Part A of the WIIR
c. Forward the WIIR to Telestaff
d. Wait for Platoon Chief’s approval
What must a member do if they seek medical attention after submitting a Workplace Injury/Illness Report?
a. Keep it confidential
b. Inform their immediate supervisor only
c. Notify respective Chief Officers and Fire Administration immediately
d. Share the information during the next roll call
What is the stance of BFES members regarding political activities while on-duty?
a. Actively campaign for any political party or candidate
b. Actively campaign against any political party or candidate
c. Refrain from actively campaigning for or against any political party or candidate
d. Campaign only during designated break times
Under what circumstances may members of the Firefighting Division be transferred between stations?
a. Only upon personal request
b. At the discretion of District Chiefs and Platoon Chiefs
c. Only during emergencies
d. Based on seniority
How should Officers and Acting Officers be addressed when on-duty?
a. By their first names
b. With disrespect
c. By the title of their rank
d. Informally
What is the expected behavior of BFES members when visitors or senior officers visit a facility?
a. Continue with their duties without acknowledgment
b. Remain standing until acknowledged
c. Stand and salute
d. Offer them refreshments immediately
What is the consequence of unauthorized use of badges or BFES identification?
a. Verbal warning
b. Written notification to the Fire Chief
c. Immediate dismissal
d. Suspension without pay
How should disabled employees notify Fire Administration and their respective Division Chief or Platoon Chief of their medical progress?
a. Verbally inform during roll call
b. Through social media platforms
c. In accordance with BFES practices
d. Through personal email
What is the notification procedure for a member unable to report for duty?
a. Notify anyone in the station
b. Notify the Communications Operator, stating the reason, at least one hour before designated time
c. Notify the Fire Chief directly
d. Notify a fellow crew member