Dubin Chapter 1-3 Flashcards
The initial phase of ventricular repolarization is represented by…
ST Segment
pg 26
What occurs in the myocytes when K+ leaves the cells?
pg 27
How long does ventricular systole persist? (waves)
Beginning of QRS to end of T wave
pg 27
QT interval represents…
Ventricular systole
pg 28
- Normal QT interval is measured as…
2. Long QT intervals could lead to…
- < 1/2 of RR interval
- Dangerous rapid ventricular rhythms
pg 28
The cardiac cycle lasts from…
P wave to P wave
pg 29
Myocardial contraction is produced by _______ released into the myocytes.
Free Ca++
pg 29
Repolarization is due to the outflow of _____ from the myocytes
pg 29
Cell to cell conduction of depolarization (action potential) through the myocardium is carried by ______
pg 29
AV node conduction is due to slow moving ______
Vertical amplitude on an EKG is a measure of _____
amplitude or voltage regardless of upward or downward defection
pg 32
Upward deflections are ________ and downward deflections are __________.
positive, negative
pg 33
As a positive depolarization wave advances through the myocardium and toward a positive electrode what type of deflection is seen on the EKG?
pg 33
5 small squares =
pg 35
A different pair (bipolar) of electrodes is used to record_____ ______.
each lead
pg 37
How many limb leads are there?
pg 36
Lead I is horizontal, left arm is ______ and right arm is _________.
positive, negative
pg 38
Lead III, left arm is _________ and left leg is ______
negative , positive
pg 38
Lead II, right arm is _______ and left leg _______
negative, positive
pg 38
AVF is an augmented lead and uses the left foot as ________ and both arms as _______.
positive, negative (avF) foot = positive
pg 40
AVR is an augmented lead where the right arm is ________ and the left foot and arm are______
positive, negative
pg 41
AVL is an augmented lead where the left arm is ________ and the left foot and right arm are______
positive, negative (avL) left arm = positive
pg 41
What are the lateral leads?
I, AVL because each is positive on L arm
pg 47
What are the inferior leads?
II, III, AVF because each is positive on L foot
pg 47